List of email accounts for which passwords have been made public

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Ok, The company was I had not used their site since 2005 but it was a shocking reminder on how important it is to change passwords regularly!! ....PS Many thanks Brendan and all on this site for drawing my attention to the list

Back in 2004 I placed an order with the company and as such my email address appeared on the list.

I am an information security professional in a corporate environment. My main job function is to carry out penetration testing (hacking) of websites, applications and networks.

I acknowledge your previous postings regarding people having the same password for several accounts online. A lot of times this is the case and it is something that people in my profession are at pains to change and make people more aware of the risks involved.

I cannot see any justification or reason for you to post these email addresses on this website apart from self gratification and the kudos factor.

The website on which the hacker originally posted the email addresses and passwords has been taken down but there are techniques to view the content - which I'm sure some enterprising member of the forum will attempt!

Can you please explain why you decided to post all the email addresses saying "Send the link to any of your friends who are on the list and tell them to change their passwords immediately."?

You could have created an anonymous email account and then sent this message privately to all the individuals in a BCC.

I suggest you contact the Board admins and have them contact Google to have the cache for the original posting cleared - as this is how I stumbled across this thread in the first place.

To a degree you are complicit in this breech and have potentially exposed the user list to additional security risks, let alone spam. This is truly unacceptable and you should be apologising unreservedly for your actions, however honourable you thought they were at the time.

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