Life expectancy. Predictions for when I will die


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Are there any good Irish data sources I can use to predict a range for my life expectancy? Ideally as personalised as possible, i.e. based on my age, smoking, drinking, exercising etc.

Maybe the CSO or some life assurance company or Irish actuary or statistics group?

There are a few threads on how to spend your retirement. How long will my retirement be is my question.

Aviva UK has a fairly basic life expectancy calculator - has some interesting info.

I think it implies for a long life you want to be female, married, 3rd level educated, doing skilled work, living in an owner occupied home in an affluent area, without disabilities and protestant. Although it didn't say how good it gets if you are all of these things.
one of my favourite stats on this

if you get on the Tube at Westminster in London and head east your life expectancy declines by a year every tube stop.

these things really do have an impact on life expectancy or at least reflect something of how one’s lifestyle impacts life expectancy

Our calculator uses ONS data from the U.K. but it’s good enough for assumptions purposes
Yes, I want to know given my current age.

Good point about my measuring my own genetic pool
Just adding a few replies in another thread with interesting info

What no one on this thread has talked about is that life expectancy itself is highly variable.

Take a 65-year old Irish male. The median life expectancy is 18, so living to 83. But there is a 10% chance he will die before he is 71, but a 10% chance he will live beyond 93.

Below is a chart I worked up from CSO life tables.

Suppose you are very risk averse and want your fund to last until you are 95. This would mean very conservative withdrawals and/or vulnerability to a bad sequence of returns early on.

Everyone tends to dunk on annuities because they are so expensive. But they allow you to insure against living a very long life.

We use this one

It allows a stab at current health impact on life expectancy based on current age
How about a gypsy fortune-teller?
For what it's worth, even though my family health history isn't great, I reckon that I must plan outgoings and investment strategy for my ARF on the assumption that I could live for more than another couple of decades.
What is certain is that we all die. What really matters is how you have lived not how long have you lived.
Your best guide to how long you will live is how long did your parent, uncles and aunts and grand-parents live?
This is what I've done and have come up with a semi rough guess of mid seventies

I first of all looked at my own medical history, nothing major there except that I am suffering from high blood pressure, I've always had elevated blood pressure but in the last couple of years it's been creeping higher and higher to the point where last year I've started on medication
I then looked at my personal life choices and the very hedonistic life that I had chosen to live and for the most part still do
But it was when I looked into my parents background and the issues they had or their siblings had is where the real shocker was
Heart disease and cancer are rampant to the tune of out of ten brothers and sisters only two have made it past seventy five
and since the early noughties it has started in my generation of cousins

And that ladies and gentlemen is the main reason why I retired at the tender age of forty four!!