life assurance while awaiting medical tests


Registered User

My GP has referred me for assesment at a breast clinic as a precautionary step as I was experiencing some breast pain....have no lumps etc. and he thinks its noting to worry about.

We are in the process of buying our first home together and trying to organise life assurance.
My question is it better to wait until (hopefully) I get the all clear from the tests (but by that stage we will be in our new home) and just let my husband apply for life assurance now.
I would then apply for a seperate policy in a few months time eventhough 2 seperate policies will cost more than a joint policy.

If I apply now how much loading would they put on the policy ?

We have no children. My husband could meet the morgage replayments fine on his salary maybe I don't even need life assurance.

Thanks for any advice,

If it is going to be a requirement of the mortgage transaction, I would put the wheels in motion and apply for a joint policy for the life cover. The insurer may insist on waiting for the results of the tests anyway before they make a decision on what terms they are going to give you.

The insurer may grant cover at standard rates, apply a loading to the premium (it is impossible to guess what this might be) or decline cover.