Legal apprenticeship: any tips on trying to find a trainee solicitor job

Couldn;t agree more Geminiii. Anybody going to college should do what they are interested in, rather than what they think they should do for a career that they may find they have no interest in down the road.

Chances are, if you do something that you are interested in as your degree, you will do better, get a better degree and find that more doors are open to you on the basis of that better degree.

As i've mentioned in former posts on this thread, I feel that having a legal background is not as important as it once was in relation to becoming a solicitor - given that the major demand areas in the big commercial firms are presently in banking and finance. Having a knowledge of these areas though a business degree etc. will benefit you in the long run - when you are doing the FE-1s like everyone else.
Hi Guys,
I'm new but have been reading intently over the last few weeks! Thanks for the advice.
I have a question. Does any one know if frys job offers have been made already...I think i already know the answer but don't want to admit it!
Thought it would be plain sailing once the FE1s were over but now it seems like ill need to go to finishing school to get through the interviews! ;)
Hi, Does anyone know of any foreign that passed FE1 and got an apprenticeship? I am ukrainia and currently studing for FE1
Hi Romka,

I don't know of anyone personally. But i have met a couple of people who have either passed themselves or their significant others have. I met an American girl at the first Irish exam who had learned the language specially.
I think as long as you're dedicated and have a good standard of english you will succeed.
The problem may be convincing firms that you are in Ireland for the long haul though. But I'm Irish and still having problems getting work so maybe it wont be that much of a drawback!
Hi Pretty Penny,

I honestly have no idea about Fry's but I'm afraid I can identify with you as Im waiting to hear back from Beauchamps, don't suppose anyone has any updates on their offers?
I think the postman thinks Im stalking him
hey, fry's have issued their offers but beauchamps said that it would most likely be towards the end of this week
me too, but if it makes u feel better this is my second yr applying and have finally gotten one so it does happen! (eventually...!)
what do you think the big difference has been in your applications since lat year? you said got a lot more interviews this time?

getting snowed under by pfo's at present
I applied to one or two last year as well and didn't get anywhere, mind you I didn't have all the fe-1s. Im now working as a legal exec for a firm and got called for a few interviews but still having trouble actually getting the offer, this is such a nightmare!!
Apart from what I said before, banking experience was a huge focus with the bigger firms in interview (one of whom i'll be working for ). Other than that, I was more relaxed at interview this year...don't give up, I've seen it with friends and I see it with myself, it just takes longer than most careers....

'Fraid Beauchamps is out already. If you're working as a legal Exec firms jump at you (or more accurately at my mates who are Legal Execs!) because its great legal experience...which i totally lack!
But don't give up - Honestly, I was having a crappy week and feeling like jacking the whole lot in.
But the i got a job I wasn't expecting....for 2008! Has anyone any tips on how to make it 2007? I know some people manage to swing it...but I seem to be useless! Don't get me wrong, I'm unbelieveably thrilled....its just 07 would be the icing on the proverbial cake!
nope SNB sorry.

on a similar note

has anyone received feedback either way from McEvoys/Philip Lee/Maples and Calder?
McEvoy are only looking for trainee's for 2008 & they will be reviewing applications in Sep 2007.

Maple & Calder are not hiring as far as I know. I stand to be corrected on that though.......

No idea on Phillip Lee.
Hi all,

I'm not sure if I'm posting under the right thread but I am looking for some advise on apprenticeship interviews. Before Christmas I worked part time in a regional four solicitor firm beforefor about 2 months while they were busy and while there I received the results of my last FE-1s. I have an interview with them this week and I am worried because I honestly have not a clue what they are looking for or what they are going to ask me. I think my problem is that they know me already so I feel ridiculous even dressing up for the interview. I know they like me and that they were satisfied with my work but it is a very formal and professional firm so the interview is unlikely to be casual. I know they have received many applications but as far as I now they are only interviewing five people. This is my first interview si I am getting alittle stressed! Any advise/tips on what to expect ot how to prepare. Any help would be brilliant. Thanks!
Would anybody be able to tell me the exact figure on paying for your fees urself. Also is it possible for any employer to make this a tax deduction, is there any websites with any more info on this side of it? would appreciate help ,have been offered an apprenticeship but they are reluctant to pay for it!