Legal apprenticeship: any tips on trying to find a trainee solicitor job


We had to close this thread as it was being reported for abusive posts and bad language.

A few posters asked us nicely to reopen the thread, so we are doing this, but please keep it civil.

It is a very long thread and I don't intend to read it. Is it something which could be summarised in a Key Post or a FAQ? If someone could do this and we could use it to start off a fresh thread, it might make more sense.


So, interviews are more or less over..... where do we all stand? Experiences, comments...feel free to share.

Key post perhaps would be better than FAQ. Topic being - Legal Apprenticeship - advice sought and given
Had a first round interview this day last week,waiting on word still.Got the result of a recheck today as well...didn't go up,still have7 passed, one to go!I'm losing it!No job or money.My mates all have jobs or are travelling but i'm at home watching daytime tv at the age of 24 with 2 months till the next sitting...nice.!
Was that with BCM? Was the interview hard? Look on the bright side man, at least you've 7 passed! I have yet to sit them. I have no job and am running seriously low on funds. (luckily though i've an a'ppship) Speaking of TV, did anybody watch lost last night? Awesome stuff!
No.Was with RDJ.Actually I haven't heard a peep from BCM since I applied now that I think of it.Well it's tough to have a job and study for these exams.Guess i'm fortunate to have dived straight into them straight after college while living at home wasn't a total disgrace (although a yr and a half later i'm the only one of my mates still at home!)
I'm actually becomong very interested in the Seóige show.....mmmm.
She's cute no doubt!
Funnily enough I have heard nothing from either RDJ or BCM since applying months ago.
No worries-im still living at home too, though daddy's "alpha male" ways are starting to get on both our nerves-cant wait to move but im still in college so not much point.
Better go hide, Alpha male is home for lunch! best of luck with RDJ
As regards BCM ppl don't hold out hope i had interview with them last july and have heard nothing since, and i heard of ppl attending second round interviews with them two wks ago...........ppl who did not even do first round interview and apparently there offers will be out end of January!!
yea I had one with them this time last yr. (with no fe1s done).Seemed to go quite well,but never heard a thing from them afterward.
As far as im concerned all they seem to do is mess people around, in fairness if ppl had been called for second round interviews and i wasn't i was obviously rejected , the least they could do is tell me this seen as i went to the trouble of applying and attending interview. I rang and everything and they still wouldn't give me a straight up answer on what was happening.
Just read this in the news section of (this is an extract from the article)

Still, lawyers worried about redundancy should be grateful that at least they're not in Ireland. RollOnFriday has heard that some top firms are having an incredibly tough time, with salaries for associates rumoured to have been cut by up to 20% - and up to an eye-watering 50% for some trainees."


I'm having a go at this repeat in March,then going to Australia for a long time to meet up with my mates and just gonna forget about traineeships/legal profession till i'm ready to come home.In all fairness like...f*ck this depression inducing negativity all over the media.I'm at the end of my tether.

Rollonfriday isn't really 'the media'. It's solicitors and trainees telling the rest of us what's going on where they are. How could any of us make decent decisions if we were only ever told 'positive' news? We'd only be aware of half of reality. In the legal profession you often get to see more of the negative side of life than the positive. To be useful to your clients you can't let that depress you. It's part of the job to think of everything that could possibly go wrong. So you could look on all the bad news at present as good experience.
You have a talent for turning negative into positive! Teach me!
thats the one thing i hate about online never know how people are saying what it is exactly they're saying. nope..not sarcastic...great attitude to have