Leaving Cert



I am taking on a new member of staff and i am looking for their LC results.

They have given me a sheet/ CV with results but they have nothing formal.

Can an employer check these or is it up to the individual to apply for formal proof.
I would assume that only the individual can obtain certified results which they can pass onto a prospective employer.
It is possible to obtain a copy of your own Leaving Cert results by contacting the State Exams Commission. They hold details of candidate results of State examinations from 1879 - today.

I am not certain however as to whether or not you can obtain them for anyone else. In the case of birth, marriage and death certificates, anyone may obtain a copy of anyone else's certificates - provided you pay the fee and you have their details.

You may therefore be able to obtain a copy of this employee's results - the State Exams Commission can definitively confirm this.

There is a €12.50 fee to obtain copies of State exam results. Contact them at

Statements Section (State Exams Commission)
Phone:09064 42808/ 42809
Fax: 09064 42811

On a final note, the Leaving Certificate has changed very significantly in the past few years in acknowledgement of the fact that not every student is academically orientated. While someone may not have academic qualifications, they may still be perfectly capable of completing this job.

However, if this prospective employee is obliged to have a particular competency in an area or to use a particular skill, then you may be justified in requesting evidence that he/she has achieved a minimum level of education/training in this area.

If having a particular educational standard is a requirement of this job - request the evidence of results BEFORE you offer this person a contract of employment.

I hope this has been of assistance.
In the case of birth, marriage and death certificates, anyone may obtain a copy of anyone else's certificates - provided you pay the fee and you have their details.

I didn't realise that but I suppose, as public documents, they are/should be accessible to all - and perhaps the same goes for state examination results?
The Department of Education is a pubic body which is covered by the Freedom of information Act.

The Act states that personal information cannot be handed out without permission from the individual.

Marion :hat