Wrong forum Leaving 02 after iPhone contract ends?

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Hi all,

I currently have an iPhone with an o2 billing 17month(i think)contract. My contract is due to end in October and I am trying to decide what to do. My price plan is approx 40euro a month but my bills have been waaayyy more than this... my last one was 120euro! My fault I know but I am really beginning to think the convenience of a bill phone is not for me.

Before I had this phone I had a brick of a nokia with meteor and, as most my friends are with meteor, i used to get free meteor to meteor calls and unlimited texts when i topped up 20euro a month... This was all I used to spend - 20euro!

So now im wondering what to do when my contract ends - Is it possible to change my current iPhone over to Meteor prepay? If i end my contract with o2 will the phone stop working altogether? Or would I be better to just pick up a 40euro meteor prepay phone and forget the iPhone altogether? (I do LOVE the iPhone but am hating the cost!)

Any advice?

Ericsson :)
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