Leaseback company called Transmontagne going bust?

Thanks oneworld :)

I'm sure plenty of people gain valuable information from your experience and knowledge - even if some don't appreciate it.
Some of you may be interested in this article entitled 'Transmontagne soon to be fixed'. It is in French. It indicates that following a meeting in the commercial court in Lyon, they seem to be making some progress with a group called Verdoso (Luxembourg) that specialise in taking over companies in difficulty. They are proposing to take over the residence de tourisme and the ski lifts - [broken link removed]

With regard to the VAT, again from online articles it appears that, if a residence de tourisme loses its financial backer than the VAT will not be refunded, this being the law.

This link may also be of interest- It mentions the name of a solicitor in the UK who seems to know his stuff in relation to French property law, particularly leaseback. Hope this helps...
Some of you may be interested in this article entitled 'Transmontagne soon to be fixed'. It is in French. It indicates that following a meeting in the commercial court in Lyon, they seem to be making some progress with a group called Verdoso (Luxembourg) that specialise in taking over companies in difficulty.

That link is very out of date, here is some more recent information on TM

from the site mentioned on p1.