Laya Laya Co Care Premium no excess and Laya Total Health Select


Registered User
I've just been comparing these plans at €1,829 and €1,402 respectively and I can't find the differences in cover? Can anyone help? I'm sure there must be for the €400 in the difference.
For the price difference between those 2 policies one would indeed expect some significant differences but there are not many apparently!

The only ones I could spot were:

Maternity benefit: Laya company care prenium no excess offers €1000 per lifetime towards IVF, IUI, ICSI while there is no maternity benefit at all with Laya total health select.

Non emergency dental: co care prenium offers 50% up to €300 per year and Laya total health care offers 50% up to €500 per year.

Maybe somebody else will find another difference but this is all I could spot. It is indeed a big price difference for pretty much the same cover.