Key Transponders?


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I have a 97 VW Polo and I got a key cut for it recently but I found it will only open the doors but not start the car. The car starts to turn but stops after 1-2 seconds. After a bit of research on the net I found that it might be a transponder in the key that is used as an immobilser.

So I started looking to get one of these keys coded/cut but they seem to be very expensive. I am beginning to wonder if this is a bit of a scam on the part of the dealers to make alot of money for something simple :( .

Is there a cheaper way of obtaining these keys? I have found one supplier of the keys in England, at about GB£20 for the key, but how would I get it coded?

The keys on modern cars have a chip inside them, they are recognised by the engine immiobiliser and prevent your car being hot wired. No chip = no engine start. The only way around this is to get a new key coded from a VW dealer, it is expensive (was quoted €150 for an opel a couple of years ago). You can get the key separately and coded, but I think the cost is in coding it (particularly with the main delaer charges).
I lost a key a few years ago for a 98 VW. The garage told me that you couldn't get a key cut in the normal way, it had to be ordered through the manufacturors only and would cost in the region of £100 at the time. I must have got out the rosary beads and good old St. Anthony came up trumps for me because I found the key and didn't have to get a new one in the end :D
It may not have to be a main dealer job. Many key cutters have a device to read the code in your spare key. They may have a blank also. I was told however that if you have only one key and you lose it you'll need a tow to the dealers to get a new key recoded from the car.