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Well head
Registered User
Built in Wardrobe or slide robe
Does any one know where you can buy doors for a full length fitted wardrobe / sliderobe doors. I want to install it myself and have gone to Sliderobe and they want to charge me €1500 for three doors and the guide rail. I find this hard to swallow as the materials themselves may cost €500 at a push. Has the Tiger really taken our eye off what the cost of products are.
Registered User
Re: Built in Wardrobe or slide robe
Woodies and B&Q stock Stanley sliding wardrobe doors and all the track, accessories, etc. Simple to put up if you're any way handy. B&Q were a lot cheaper.
Well head
Registered User
Re: Built in Wardrobe or slide robe
Thanks Crunchie,
I had looked at the Stanley range very cheap looking and flimsy, I had wanted something more substantial. I can get the rails in Woodies supplied by a company called Henderson but they do not supply doors.
Painting wardrobes
We have fitted wardrobes in our house that aren't exactly to our taste. We can't afford to replace them for a considerable time, and I was wondering if they can be painted. I don't know what the name of the material they are made from is - but it's not wood and it looks sort of acrylic/plastic. Normal paint would scrap and chip on it. Anyone painted wardrobes like this and how did it work out?
Painting wardrobes
This commercial site has some good DIY tips (which are also published in the Northside/Southside free newspapers) and I think that they covered this topic at some stage. (I don't have any vested interest in IGOE by the way). Click on the Hot Topics link and download the DIY tips documents in case there's anything useful in there. As far as I know it's generally possible to paint wardrobe doors (even those that have a synthetic covering) but you do need the right preparation and materials.
Re: Painting wardrobes
This might be worth investigating though not sure if it would work out expensive on a large area like wardrobe doors
[broken link removed]
Registered User
Re: Painting wardrobes
there are various primers you can get for melamine and those kind of surfaces - I got one in Woodies as I want to paint my 'lovely' shiny white plasticy wardrobe doors as well. Appartently once you clean them well and paint on the primer you can paint them with any satin wood paint - hopefully I'll have nice cream doors in a few days time - if it all goes pear shaped I'll let you know!

If I make a mess of it I'll just have to buy new ones - oh well another excuse to go shopping.
Let me know how you get on
Hi Janeymac - would love to know how it goes for you, so please post with any hints and tips.
Thanks for all the replies!
Registered User
You will have no Problems
Hi Guys,
We just did our nice shiny ones approx 6 months ago.
As said earlier, if you use the primer first & make sure to use a satin base paint its no problem.
We did make the mistake of using the primer & NOT a satin based paint - we just used matt - the problems with dust were terrible..........we had been painting Black & the shiny wardorbes became literally a blackboard.........
Good Luck
Registered User
Re: Painting wardrobes
We did a similar job recently in out kids room. We used eggshell paint & my wife put stencils on it, it looks great.
Thanks for all the advice. That's my next DIY job now so!
Registered User
I really need someones reccomendation of a decent carpenter who will build fitted wardrobes / cupboards in a dublin house. The spaces are kind of awkward so they have to be made special.
Anyone any ideas or the costs
Registered User
Re: Wardrobes
I got an extension and some built-in wardrobes done by Sheerin Construction - 087 6810427, think theyre Southside ,based and was well happy with them cos kept the appointments they made when other builders never showed, were well priced and did a grand job.
Registered User
Re: Wardrobes
Thanks rutigur,
appreciate advice