Key Post: Sign in shop - No return on sale items...



Was in a shoe shop yesterday...witnessed a quite hillarious oh no you can't, oh yes i can scene.
The shop has up A4 posters in bold print saying:
Under in in much smaller print it says:

Is this legal or not? The customer was claiming it was illegal, obviously the shop assistant was claiming it was legal. My understanding is that a shop is under no obligation to take anything back just if you don't like it. I.E. it only needs to take back a pair of shoes it, for example they are faulty and then at that point it can offer to replace, repair or refund but its not for you to choose which it is.....but can they apply different policy to different items...or are all my thoughts above crap anyways?!

Interested to know...

Just found this....
[broken link removed]

it seems that I was right and wrong....they are entitled to not take back stuff just cas you don't like them the next day...but they are not allowed display the signs they have up
Re: ..

Hi Legend,

Even though youve answered your own question, Ive copied the ocda page here. Ill also move the post to the Good Deals/ Consumer Rights section.

Re: No return on sale items...

...but they are not allowed display the signs they have up

There is nothing wrong with the sign they have posted because it specifically states that Your Statutory Rights are not affected

Under in in much smaller print it says:

Marion :hat

Was wondering that over lunch...thanks for clearing it up.
pity your man didn't have a right go at them and have a fight break out!
consumer choice

Free with last saturday's Irish Times was a copy of Consumer Choice, the magazine of the Consumers' Assoc. of Ireland.
It had some fantastic, informative articles including one on the Art of Complaining. One of the misconceptions it puts straight is that any notice saying: "No Refunds" cant remove your rights.
There's also an hilarious "script" demonstrating the Broken Record Technique of complaining.
Seek out the magazine if you haven't already seen it.
Re: consumer choice

Free with last saturday's Irish Times was a copy of Consumer Choice, the magazine of the Consumers' Assoc. of Ireland.
It had some fantastic, informative articles including one on the Art of Complaining.

I found the sample Consumer Choice magazine a bit of a mixed bag really. I couldn't imagine too many average punters being able to follow some of the articles, in particular the product reviews which included some very arcane review summary tables which I personally found very difficult to interpret. Can't see too many people subscribing to the monthly mag. Anybody know what the audited circulation is?
Re: consumer choice

Was that the rag that had a review of telephone companies & their charges...........based on 2003 pricing ?
Re: consumer choice

I used to subscribe years ago.
Got a FREE 6 months trial if I signed a direct debit.
Forgot to cancel it and continued to receive it for another 14 months before I twigged I was paying for it.
It was very expensive about 10 years ago!
Re: consumer choice

I used to read consumer choice magazine in my local library and photocopy pages as I required them. I havent been to the library in many years.

I know of aworkplace where the staff have a subscription to the British Cnsumers Magazine and have over 20 years of magazines for reference in the office! I often asked them for an article which they faxed me.

Re: consumer choice

I found the sample Consumer Choice magazine a bit of a mixed bag really. I couldn't imagine too many average punters being able to follow some of the articles, in particular the product reviews which included some very arcane review summary tables which I personally found very difficult to interpret. Can't see too many people subscribing to the monthly mag. Anybody know what the audited circulation is?

We need a stronger consumer lobby in Ireland, so I, for one, am considering subscribing to this magazine in order to help subsidise and support the Consumer Association.

As a consumer, I'm tired of being screwed... :mad