Key Post: Money Saving Tips/Advice.


Hi Capail,

I can confirm that they do accept such payments. You have to state that you want this accepted as a "partial redemption" I have done this on several occasions and it is taken off the capital outstanding immediately which in turn saves on the interest.


Hi Capail,

I can confirm that they do accept such payments. You have to state that you want this accepted as a "partial redemption" I have done this on several occasions and it is taken off the capital outstanding immediately which in turn saves on the interest.

Re: Capital Payments

Thanks MAC

I will try again using that term.


money saving tips

Why not do a David Blain, live in a box, eat nothing, spend nothing.
I really like Value Ireland. The message board doesn't get too much traffic (it deserves more) but there is some sound basic info on it.

I also like its basic principle of finding value rather than just complaining about ripoffs. Much more productive (but probably the reason its not so popular - people like a good moan!)

Avon suncare products.

Mary, either you have never really tested them on kids, you are a avon rep or your idea of a sun holiday is Bundoran!! Brought my niece on our annual holiday to Florida last year, her mum sent avon factor 20 kids suncream. I might as well have been pouring water on the kids, totally useless and first time my kids got burned on hols ever!! No wonder its cheap. And by the way the factor on suncreams does deteriorate with time, that is why the reputable firms recommend not holding over sunceam from one year hols to the next.

Its not joke, no-one wants their kids to develop skin cancer in later years as a result of buying poor quality sun protection.

Thanks for posting the info on the Avon Suncream Anon. I sell Avon, and to make enough money I depend on repeat customers and I PREFER to hear about problems than to have people keep them to themselves. Avon have guidelines on how long to keep suncream for, I don't have them here as I am in work, but will check. Whatever about the suncreams, I have used other Avon products and found them as good or better than similar products in the shops, YMMV. Also, this probably applies to your neices mother rather than yourself, but Avon have a money back guarantee if you're unhappy with the product for ANY reason. I was a bit wary of this as a rep, I thought they would give me a hard time for returning stuff, but so far there have been no problems at all. Suncream that doesn't work is worse than useless and should be returned and complained about.