kewell & lauren

Maybe its me and I expect to take stick for this, but I cannot stand walking into a pub on a sunday and suddenly realising there is a premiership match on. All the lads are decked out in the latest Teams gear (allegedly Man Utd have got three new strips over a short period if you include the much lamented loss of the grey shirts).

Shouts of "go on my son" in their best English accents, roaring "you'll never walk alone" to anyone in earshot, scarves up in the air, beer all over their jersey, their kids playing pool in the corner.

Why do people support these teams, I have two friends exactly like above who support Arsenal, neither have ever been even in England let alone Highbury, there are zero Irish players playing for Arsenal and it has been that way for a long time.

The players are reprehensible, overpaid, arrogant and prone to diving at every oppourtunity in an attempt to get their marker sent off, how they can look themselves in the mirror when they go down holding their face in agony when their marker clearly was nowhere near him.

Although admittedly cleaned up an awful lot, there is still violence at soccer matches, there are many places where you could not bring your kids for the hatred and bile thrown between supporters. Contrast this with a rugby match between Ireland and England or an All-Ireland football final, the crowd is always hospitable and the banter is friendly.

The amount of people that travel over to these matches from Cork, Dublin, Galway every year but would not be seen dead going to Turners Cross, Tolka Park, Terryland. I have a friend that plays for Galway United, who are always on the verge of going under, struggle to bring in more than 200 people and their friends are heading off lining Roman's and Malcom's pockets, supporting teams that are filled with Italians, French, Spanish millionaires!

Give me Rugby or the GAA anyday, at least we are supporting our countrymen, premiership fans are idiots, I think it is just an excuse to get a sunday afternoon away from the missus!
Have to agree with a lot of what you say although...

catweazle said:
Shouts of "go on my son" in their best English accents

Well, even the eircom League is not immune from that as shown by the presence of a small cabal of wannabe casual football hooligans who tend to sing their songs in a bizarre Mockney accent and use English football hooligan terminology, rhyming slang, clothes (!) etc... :rolleyes:

Although admittedly cleaned up an awful lot, there is still violence at soccer matches

Yeah - football hooliganism is alive and kicking (!) in the UK but (a) tends to happen more often outside the grounds (b) is often pre-arranged between casual "firms" attached to the various clubs and (c) tends not be reported by the media who collude with the authorities to suppress reportage on this matter.

Contrast this with a rugby match between Ireland and England or an All-Ireland football final, the crowd is always hospitable and the banter is friendly.

Well, in spite of what people say it's not totally unkown for rows to break out between rival rugby and, even moreso, GAA supporters - never mind GAA players and backroom staff! Having said that, soccer related violence would generally tend to be less sporadic and more premeditated.

I have a friend that plays for Galway United, who are always on the verge of going under, struggle to bring in more than 200 people and their friends are heading off lining Roman's and Malcom's pockets, supporting teams that are filled with Italians, French, Spanish millionaires!

Have to say I can easily understand why people are more attracted to supporting glamour teams/clubs/players rather than traipsing down to their local, struggling domestic club. Even if I would prefer if people (also) supported their domestic clubs rather than, in many cases, simply having a fan/consumer relationship with the foreign club that they purport to support and have never actually seen live other than on telly. Ultimately the onus is on the domestic football authorities and clubs to come up with a "product" that attracts people rather than people like you and me bemoaning the fact that people align themselves to foreign clubs and berating them for it. It's a free country. But come the revolution... :D