Katie Price and her pathetic search for media coverage.


Registered User
As it stands, I am sick to death of hearing about these nobodies and seeing them in every medium around.

But this attempt to seek attention is just sickening.

[broken link removed]

[Speaking about her rape allegation] The glamour girl, better known as Jordan, also claimed she was "livid" the revelation had been "blown out of context".

This is a serious allegation is if it is true, she owes it to the victims of rape through out the world to come out and see the person punished.

To say it has been blown out of context is an insult to to the people who have suffered from one of the vilest crimes a human can commit.

If however, she is using it for column inches and it isn't true, then...well, what can you say?

Rant over.
Totally agree. I am fed up of celebrities claiming to have been 'abused', suffered from an 'eating disorder', had a 'brush with cancer' and when you read further it is something minor they have blown up completely to grab a headline. These are real issues that have ruined people's lives and should not be used as publicity stunts by z list celebrities.

Not saying that all of these stories are made up or exaggerated, but some of them definitely are.
I used to admire Jordan for her outspoken opinions and smart business head but in the last few years she's gone downhill, appearing to become obsessed with fame, money and having her face in every magazine. The rape claim is imo unbelieveable. This is a woman who told every minute of her life in her books and now all of a sudden she's come out with this claim at a time when public opinion has turned against her, looking for sympathy perhaps?
I completely detest this woman and everything about her. Nothing she does would surprise me as she has the instincts and reactions of an animal and even lower morals.
I just think she is sending out the wrong message, then again, drunken binges throughout her first pregnancy, too much plastic surgery, living a life in the media, sleeping with whoever, whenever.....actually she has always been sending out the wrong message!
Stop buying the magazines, stop watching E4 and er stop dicussing them on internet forums
Stop buying the magazines, stop watching E4 and er stop dicussing them on internet forums

Few assumptions there!
I dont buy magazines or watch E4 and this is the first time Ive discussed it on an internet forum, but the reason I know about it at all is because its on the sky news website!!!
... She's everywhere.
She's not - and until some unhelpful person apparently part of a small subversive group with a Jordan fixation started this thread she wasn't on AAM either.

Nor was she on the BBC, RTE, The Irish Times or any of their web-sites, but then I wasn't looking for stories about her or pictures of her.

Maybe you need to review your website, print and broadcast media subscriptions, or maybe there's another problem....
You can't scan the magazines in a newsagents without Katie and Peter being plastered all over the front of half of them. I have no interest in them or their marriage break up and never read articles about them, but you'd have to go around with a blindfold on not to be aware of her and her deeply shallow life.
I seem to have missed most of these revelations, thankfully. I don't much care about the vapid, fame and fortune obsessed z-listers, but fortunately no one forces me to spend much time worrying about them either.

Ah yes, considering this is letting off steam I can post whatever I like in hear, it's my opinion, I'm sick of hearing about her.

Your little dig is pointless, and if you are annoyed about the thread that much. Don't bother posting on it.[broken link removed]

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I more or less agree with this.

For me, it's like sport - I have absolutely no interest in it but cannot fail to notice or be aware of the fact that so and so are playing whoever etc.

Buying a paper this morning, Price related headlines (in approx. 75mm font) screamed from the front pages of most of the 'papers' on the stand for example.
Ah yes, considering this is letting off steam I can post whatever I like in hear, it's my opinion, I'm sick of hearing about her.

Your little dig is pointless, and if you are annoyed about the thread that much. Don't bother posting on it.

I absolutely agree. The title of the post clearly indicated it was about Katie Price. No one forced anyone to open and read it.
I never buy these mags but while standing in line do read the headlines.

The other week one of them had Jade, the x husband and Kerry Katona on the front page.

I made a remark to myself that it was another slow news day.

The people who work for these mags must have wet themselves when Wacko died.