Jobseekers Benefit and Self Employment


Snowshoe Sam

Can someone clarify the situation regarding jobseekers benefit and self employment?

I have worked as an employee for different companies for the past 10 years or so and accordingly have been paying Class A PRSI throughout this period.

I am being made redundant at the end of this week. The only prospect of work I have at present is a few hours per month on a self employed basis.

By my reckoning, even though I am self-employed, it would seem that I may be entitled to Jobseekers Benefit on the basis that I would have enough Class A PRSI contributions in the relevant tax year, in this case 2007. (Assuming of course I meet all other necessary criteria)

Is my assumption correct?
I think you should discuss your situation with SW.
Could you do this work after working hours, evenings, weekends etc. If so explain to SW that you would be able to do this work even if you had a full-time job so therefore you are available for and actively seeking full time work.
Perhaps you could consolidate your work into say 1 or 2 days per month and be available for work on the other days