Jobseekers assistance



Hi there, sorry to put a question as a first post but I have a quandry you might be able to help me with:

Last december my girlfriend had a baby, the little guy has just passed the 6 month mark and my gf would like to go back to work, things are tight at the mo on my income €23k. We live together and recieve child benefit.
She had been working for 6 months prior to having the baby and so wasn't entitled to maternity leave or benefit (not enough credits, wrong type of credits).
M is actively looking for work but as you already know it's short on the ground these days, we were wondering if she qualified for jobseekers assistance, even a reduced rate? Anyone here know?
I've looked on citizens advice and find it a bit confusing TBH.
Thanks in advance.
Your girlfriend may qualify for Jobseeker's Benefit, depending on her PRSI cotnributions. If she doesn't, any entitlement to Jobseeker's Allowance will be means-tested on your income.

Have a look at the sticky post at the top of the Redundancy forum for info on Jobseeker's Benefit.