Job share proposal



Hello there
I am looking for some advice on what to cover/plan for in drawing up a job share proposal for my employer. A colleague and I have been told that if we draw up a plan, then management will meet with us and consider it.

Apart from agreeing the days and hours that each of us will work, I thought we should find out the impact on the following items but don't want to forget anything.
- are we treated as full time employees
- what PRSI contributions are made
- what impact does it have on our health and pension benefits
- what holidays are accrued, half or full allowance
- what are the Bank holidays entitlements for the person not working the BH
- what is the norm for provision of sick leave/holiday cover
- what impact is there to future maternity benefit

Is there anything else I should consider?

Thanks a lot
Hi there...
Whilst all the points you listed are relevant to any proposal, they mainly cover the areas that you are most concerned about....Put yourself in managements position..... you need to ensure you cover off not only those points already listed but how the job will actually operate while you job share e.g. handover (how this will be done), benefits to the employer, demonstrating the 'win win' situation for all. From a management point of view they will likely want to be convinced that job sharing has a very low impact on the business and will want to be convinced that you can work it out between you both...Good luck!
I suggest you talk to people in careers and organisations where jobsharing is long established and teething problems resolved e.g. ESB, health services staff, AIB, BOI, Civil Service etc. My partner is a jobsharing nurse. The following link from the INO's website may be a help:-

DSFA document:-

IBEC ( have also done a lot of work on work-life balance policies and published some documents.
"The website is hosted by the National Framework Committee for Work Life Balance Policies. The Committee was established under the Programme for Prosperity and Fairness and continues under our current National Agreement, Sustaining Progress".

If planned properly, it is a win-win for employer and employee.
Hi there...
Whilst all the points you listed are relevant to any proposal, they mainly cover the areas that you are most concerned about....Put yourself in managements position..... you need to ensure you cover off not only those points already listed but how the job will actually operate while you job share e.g. handover (how this will be done), benefits to the employer, demonstrating the 'win win' situation for all. From a management point of view they will likely want to be convinced that job sharing has a very low impact on the business and will want to be convinced that you can work it out between you both...Good luck!

Excellent points, Lauren
As Lauren has already said I suspect your employer is not particularly interested on how you and your colleague work out how you share out hours, holidays and Bank Holidays. I think the plan he has in mind is about the benefits to the Company.
How duties will be shared
Who takes responsibility for which tasks
How the changeover from one person to the other is managed not to allow any gaps.
Benefits of 2 less stressed workers.
Any other issues that you think your employer would see as beneficial to him.
Remember you need to sell this proposal to your employer as an attractive one for him