Java/ByteVerify virus.



My AVG antivirus software ( Free addition ) has picked up the virus above on my system. Anyone know how I can get rid of it? The avg software says a patch is available on the Microsoft site but a search there brings up nothing. Any help appreciated.
I got that a few times on various websites and AVG managed to clear it on its own. Anything useful ?

By the way, note that AVG 6.0 Free Edition is reaching its end of life and is being superceded by [broken link removed]. Ditto for the commercial versions.
Java/ByteVerify virus

Thanks Clubman. I have AVG 7.0 - strange that yours eliminated this prob. and mine didn't. I am also up to date with Windows and am firewalled. I have cleared the Java cache and disabled the feature but this hasn't solved the problem although the AVG software is telling me I am clear of any viruses.
My browser is not showing me the history of websites visited and regularly shows a red "x" in a box where there should be graphics. When I click on this box I'm being told page can't be displayed, the back forward buttons won't work and clicking on anything in my Favorites results in a pop up telling me there is a problem with shortcuts. I then have to close down the browser and reopen it. I am very perplexed to say the list !!

Try this ms link for the patch youre looking for.

Ive solved the "red x" problem in the past by reinstalling java
Java/ByteVerify virus

A reboot of my system after clearing the Java cache again seems to have done the trick this time.
Thanks again Clubman for the links above - much appreciated.
Re: Java/ByteVerify virus

I have AVG 7.0 - strange that yours eliminated this prob. and mine didn't

I was still running AVG 6.0 Free Edition and it seemed to fix the problem. Maybe I did a reboot too and that makes all the difference?
Re: Java/ByteVerify virus

Maybe I did a reboot too and that makes all the difference?

Yeah, seems to be the case alright. My system worked perfectly immediately after the reboot which I did just after clearing and disabling the Java cache.
Re: Java/ByteVerify virus

which I did just after clearing and disabling the Java cache.

Do you mean that you cleared/disabled the Java cache in your browser or somewhere else? And do you mean Java caching specifically or browser caching in general? The other thing that I could have done was to clear my cache as I tend to do that fairly regularly.
Re: Java/ByteVerify virus

Do you mean that you cleared/disabled the Java cache in your browser or somewhere else?

Here is what I did Clubman:

Start > Control panel > Java plugin > cache > click " clear" > uncheck " Enable caching" > click " Apply ".

Then I rebooted and everything worked fine.