Its Christmas for you when.......

I try not to notice for as long as possible apart from the obligatory "Christmas ads but it's only October!!" type of comments.

I get the warm glow-ey christmasy feeling when I go to see the kids in a nativity or similar.
When I buy something with the express intention of using it for a Christmas present. This year it was September - new personal best :eek: !
After my Birthday which is in celebration over now on to the next woohoo :p
In secondary school - when we had mass in the local catherdal, think it used to be 18th December, the day we broke up, all exams done.

In college and when worked in Dublin - driving back to the sticks, "Drivin home for Christmas" on the radio, echoes of the ESB ad ("think I'm going back....)

Now - cheesy but good craic work presents - cheer as you get the blow up doll/gay mag stuff - and then everyone legs it home on a half day for the hols (usually the exhaustion tempers real enjoyment of the festive feeling for a day or two).
The "Drivin home for Christmas" song really does it for me.

does anyone remember the Penneys advert on TV years ago.

"""Penny`s, got a whole lota things for christmas, got a lot for the family... got a lot.... la la la la la la""""
The "Drivin home for Christmas" song really does it for me.

does anyone remember the Penneys advert on TV years ago.

"""Penny`s, got a whole lota things for christmas, got a lot for the family... got a lot.... la la la la la la""""

Thats it for me too :) starts snowing around the end of November, you can't find the car in the morning cos they all look the same covered in white stuff and, when you finally find it, all the doors are frozen shut and you end up wiggling through the boot in a Michelin man suit... Gawd! It's coming isn't it!?:(
Coming up to my first christmas in Ireland a friend sent me a text "Late Late Toy show on tonight, bit if a tradition for kids in Ireland to stay up".

That for me was the arrival of Christmas that year (and we still watch the show every year)
It used to be when the Coca-Cola ad came on, back when they had that wonderful one with the song "the holidays are coming" and the Coke trucks are all lit up. Sadly, they don't use that one any more :( Nowadays, it's when I start decorating my house for Christmas :)
If i have time this afternoon i`ll think about it. LOl...

Bet their marketing campaign for christmas is already completed...:(

Just to add, was at a jumblesale yesterday in Ballyvourney and bought some fantastic xmas prezzies. Spent about €25... Bargain...
...when you have stripped to the Speedos and dived into the sea at Salthill on Christmas morning, you are too cold to scream and your gonads have disappeared...

it gets better and better from that point...
the first mince pie - only to be purchased in December mind you (none of the Oct/Nov supply please), gently heated with a small bit of cream and a coffee... usually while listening to tyres squelching outside as cars drive by in the rain / sleet!
When you can't find a chicken in the supermarket, and there is an avalanche of frozen turkey as you hunt around!
Adults wandering around muttering things like 'wii fit board', 'iggle piggle blanket'... while wincing as they realise the cost of filling a stocking now matches the cost of filling the heating oil tank!