Is this Vodafone package misleading?


Registered User
I just changed to Vodafone from anothe home phone and broadband provider. I asked about their packages and was told the home package, 3Mb broadband, unlimited local/national/uk calls and 200 mins to vodafone numbers was €45 per month. I thought that was reasonable so I went ahead with it. I was then told that because I am a billpay mobile customer, I can receive a discount of €5 per month. Great stuff I thought.

After signing up to this offer, they then read back what I had signed up for and the free UK calls were gone. I asked why and was told that the free UK calls did not apply with the discount for being a billpay mobile customer. So the fiver a month saved is not saved if you phone the UK, incl. N.I. Luckily I dont, but be aware.