is it possible to access pension already contributed to and start again?


Registered User
Hi all,

Needless to say I'm loving this new pension levy. When I'm in my 90's I'll be loaded but I mightn't have a roof over my head next year - Grrrrrr!!

Deep breaths, anyway my query is as above, is it possible for me to withdraw my pension funds which I have been contributing to since May 2000 and start again from scratch? If this could be done perhaps I could clear my loan and CC and then be a bit more financially stable every month. I haven't a bean, 3.8% might not seem like a lot of money to some people but for me it's a month's worth of nappies for my baby girl. I know, I know get the violins out.

Very annoyed at Mr. Cowen in this house punishing the lower paid workers but sure what does he care?

Any advice would be very much appreciated.

Thanks and apologies for the early morning rant.
