Is 7 too young to walk to school??

There are a lot more normal people than weirdos. At school time, near the school there will be lots of nomal parents and kids. A child over 7 should be ok (depending on the chilld) to walk to school on a well travelled route with no road to cross. When my third child was born my older 2 were 8 and 5, the youngest was ill and i couldn't bring her outside so the older 2 had to walk to school, 10 minute walk, one road to cross. Lots of other kids were walking and parents driving. I metioned to a few other parents that my kids would be walking on their own and they were more than happy to keep an eye out. They are now teenagers and wouldn't dream that a lift to school would be a possibility (20 min walk). Kids need a bit of freedom, if they are always watched they will grow up expecting there to be someone else responsible for them at all times and not be willing to take responsibilty for themselves.
All good points above.

I'd add that even where there no majors roads, these days, traffic even in housing estates, small roads is usually speeding, very agressive, and largely unpoliced. So whereas 15yrs ago, someone would stop and let you cross, these days thats unlikely to happen. Even as an adult its far harder to cross a road these days. Even walking along side a road is more hazardous. Only last week a car in our estate lost control crossed a grass verge to hit 3 or 4 cars in a slip road. Thats on a road with a 30 limit, and on a blind corner. I'd also add that some of the junctions and road crossings are very badly designed these days. Which doesn't help.
...Kids need a bit of freedom, if they are always watched they will grow up expecting there to be someone else responsible for them at all times and not be willing to take responsibilty for themselves.

Thats a good point too.
Maybe if there was a system in place where parents would volunteer their time to walk a bunch of kids to school in the mornings - one parent could do monday morning and another another day etc - it would cut down on alot of traffic in the mornings
"Maybe if there was a system in place where parents would volunteer their time to walk a bunch of kids to school in the mornings - one parent could do monday morning and another another day etc - it would cut down on alot of traffic in the mornings"
Heard of that before - think it's called a walking bus or something like that
.. think it's called a walking bus or something like that

A great idea, if enough people buy into it. A group of parents of children at an Educate Together, local to me, do a form of this. They all meet at a point about a mile from the school, not necessarily near their homes, and walk the kids to school along a path seperated from road traffic. From my own experience, a child walked to school is far more awake and alert starting class than one stumbling out of a car.
I have a 7 year old. He's a smart cookie, attentive, knows how to cross the road. The school is only around the corner and there is a lollipop lady at the main road.....BUT I would NEVER let him do it on his own!!
I have three in primary school (5, 7 & 8). They get the bus in and out, but on a Friday we let the 7 & 8 year old walk home. There are about eight roads, mostly estates but also shop (where they pop in to spend a euro) and petrol station - one lollipop lady and one set of pedestrian lights en route. It takes them about half an hour. Kids have to learn to do stuff and get about but it's often hard to give them freedom for fear for their safety.
Maybe if there was a system in place where parents would volunteer their time to walk a bunch of kids to school in the mornings - one parent could do monday morning and another another day etc - it would cut down on alot of traffic in the mornings
Like a Walking Bus?
Probably too young to walk to school, as so few people do, that roads are busy and very few other children about.

Walking home is a different matter, as there is a stream of children walking home at the same time, and lots walking home with parents.
I walked to school at 7 (late 70s this was) - it was only a 10 minute walk though, with a lollipop lady at the only crossing. I think most other kids of that age walked too.
So did I back then. But the same road now is about 100 times busier and theres more bigger junctions to cross now.
Personally I wouldn't let my children walk to school on their own at 7. And my parents would have a heart attack if I did. Yet when I was 7 I was walking to school - in fact I started walking at 5 years. (and we lived a mile from the school and when I was 5 I had to go across a wooded area to get to the road home :eek:) Probably underlines how things have changed.

A lot depends on the child too - how street wise they are (I wasn't by the way).

further to my earlier post and since this thread started my parents have discovered my 12 year old walks to school and absolutely freaked!! when I pointed out that I'd walked to school at 5 and for part of my journey through woods on my own they said that they weren't aware of all the weirdos that are out there!

As it is where my 12 year old walks is fairly straightforward, lots of people about, loads going that way to the school. But there are three roads to cross - though only one is major - and as I posted earlier I'd be more worried about the traffic than anything else. But you can't keep your kids in cotton wool.... (though 7 is definitely too young to walk to school)
further to my earlier post and since this thread started my parents have discovered my 12 year old walks to school and absolutely freaked!!

A definite overreaction IMO. At 12 I was cycling through busy roads all the time, camping miles from home, conducting 'dangerous' experiments with chemistry sets ... and the rest ;)

But maybe it's just changed times, new paranoias, justified fears etc etc as has been said.
how far are you from the school itself? the whole issue of parents driving their children to schools very nearby just increases the traffic jams in this country leading to longer rush-hours and is helping to lead to severe childhood obesity levels, whatever about walking your kids to school driving kids to schools around the corner just doesn't make sense.
The school is 1 kilometre away - i agree with everything you say.
I would think 7 is too young to walk - even if our little un was with a friend I would not be happy for them to tackle 2 main roads [one with lollipop lady] themselves. Its a short enough walk [10 mins] - which we do 2 -3 days per week - but i think it would be quite a few years before we would let her go solo - i.e. at least 5.
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personally I dont let my children walk to school unless they with an older brother or sister or someone over the age of 11.
It all depends on the child. Some children are smarter, generally more alert and adhere to instructions better than other kids; even those older than them. You will be suprised that some teenagers still need to be supervised closely while some 7 yr olds can be trusted to carry out simple tasks with minimal supervision. You will usually know when your child is ready and able to do stuff. Sometimes, they bring up the ideas (i.e walking to school on their own) by themselves. Naturally as parents, we tend to worry, but really that's what parents do even when your child is 50, u still worry anyway. But when a child is ready and able to do things, don't hold them back or deny them the chance otherwise you ll end up lowering their confidence in themselves. It's also easier when there are 2 or more. You know they ve got one-another's backs covered.
my daughter is 8 and we live about 200 meters from the school.we have to cross a small road.even at 8 i wont let her walk alone.your right about perverts.but i think it also depens on how mature the child is.7 AND 8 IS TOO YOUNG.REGARDLESS OF CROSSING THE ROAD OR NOT.