Irish Mortgage Corporation



Im just curious has this happened to anybody else its just really bugging me and seems like bad form,

Ive been dealing with Irish Mortgage Corperation to organise a self build mortgage for coming up to six months now as a broker for IIB. Just about ready for the first stage payment now. As anybody who has had a self build mortgage knows the amount of hoops you have to jump through for the bank are unreal. Countless phonecalls to the broker to confrim exactly whats outstanding and so on.

Anyway my point is ive been calling Irish Mortgage Corperation at least once a week for the last six months and in the days coming up to issue of letter of offer every day for about two weeks. Everytime i ring and ask for either of the girls ive been dealing with i get asked my name and then asked to hold.

Every single time (bar one) I'm told "its going to voicemail do you want to leave a message".

Now in fairness i do leave a message and always get a call back towards the end of the day but its very very frustrating when you just need a quick word to clarify an outstanding issue.

A person i work with is also is using IMC and hes litterally been fobbed off to voicemail every time he has called after hes given them the go ahead to go with the bank in question.

Sometimes when i would ring i would be told immediately "shes out of the office do you want to leave a message" or "shes on site visits today would you like to leave a message" so its clear to me that im getting fobbed off to leave a message the girls couldnt be bothered talking to me. Im not neccessilary looking for an answer there and then a "no problem leave it with me" would do just fine.

As ive said i just think its bad from considering the amount of money they are making from my loan and they are always quick off the mark to call you when they want to sell you life or buildings insurance.

What made me write this is another person i work with was thinking about switching mortgage and asked me what my experiences of IMC were and i told him he said that would deffinately drive him insane and he would stay well away.

Has this ever happened to anyone else with IMC or is it just the two girls ive been dealing with?
So what you're saying is that when you raise a query, they always get back to you the same day? And that they don't answer you immediately is grounds for complaint? Maybe they structure their day so they return calls and answer queries at the end of the day. That could allow them to schedule their work more efficiently, rather than deal with every interruption as it arises. That leads to lower costs for you. If they charged you €25 for every interruption, would you still want an immediate answer? Is it the delay that gets to you, or the "white-lie" that the person you are seeking is unavailable?

Sorry, I do understand the frustration -- but think about it from their point of view! I suppose what I'm saying is that this sounds like a case of mismatched expectations, rather than poor customer service.
Re: Irish Mortgage Corperation

I completely understand someone wanting to structure their day in order to, ultimately, give a more efficient service. It's probably something I'd do myself. However, no one says that to the client in Irish Mortgage Corp. and so they are left wondering if they're being ignored, avoided etc. This leads to frustration. Although I understand all you're saying, it becomes particularly difficult to accept the situation when, perhaps, a solicitor needs a reply to something within the hour. Why wouldn't the consultants in IMC give a mobile phone no. to those clients who are well on their way to completing a sale?
So what you're saying is that when you raise a query, they always get back to you the same day? And that they don't answer you immediately is grounds for complaint?
No its the fact that they wouldnt once acknowlege my call is why im "complaining".
I'd be calling the girl on reception three or four times a day at one stage going between the broker and my solicitor and i could tell she was getting embarassed to have to say "im getting her voicemail again would you like to leave a message". Nine times out of then all i was after was for my call to be acknowledged instead of being made to talk to a machine. Sure there were times when i needed a quick word to clarify something on foot of instructions from my solicitor but is it not reasonable to expect to be able to talk to sombody human when you call the company handling the biggest financial transaction of your life to date?
Sorry, I do understand the frustration -- but think about it from their point of view! I suppose what I'm saying is that this sounds like a case of mismatched expectations, rather than poor customer service.
I work in Sales (which is essentially what they are doing) and its a constant balancing act between current customer queries and chasing new sales, I know this but i also know it only takes a second to pick up a line and say "yeah no problem mr X, leave it with me untill the afternoon and ill come back to you with an answer".

Is it the delay that gets to you, or the "white-lie" that the person you are seeking is unavailable?
Its the Blatient lie that gets me, you would want to be fairly thick not to spot whats going on after a week of calling at different times in the day especially when it happens with both of them.

Just seems a little unprofessional to me that's all.
If you feel so strongly about being fobbed off, change broker.

It's a very simple process...

All you need to do is sign a declaration stating that you don't want to deal with IMC any further and proceed with someone else.

Most brokers deal with IIB
i have to say. that has not been my experience of IMC. I think it might depend on the actual consultant that you get though. The guy i have is very good. I have his business card with direct number, mobile number & emial etc. Havent had to call on his mobile as i normally get through on his direct line and if i miss him and leave a message he will alway get back to me. Also any email i send is replied fairly sharply.
This might be a stupid question but would you not insist on having their direct number instead of calling through reception (or maybe they declined to give it to you) cause i would imagine that is very annoying.

All in all i was happy with IMC but as i say i reckon it is more down to the individual broker.
I do have one of the direct numbers but its never answered.

The whole process is pretty much complete now it was just the guy in work asking me would i reccomend them that got me thinking was my expreience the norm.