Re: and of course let's not forget
I would say our good neighbours Britain owe us many apologies (choose your own masacre/injustice):
Cromwell's working holiday to Ireland (he especially enjoyed his visit to Dundalk)
Ireland's Catholics gradually 'relieved' of their land (down to c. 7% ownership at one stage)
Penal Laws passed against those barbarous Catholics
Unlimited slave labour provided over the centuries
Overseeing of the starvation of a people (barbarous locals reduced by 2 million in 5 years)
Denial of democratically expressed wish of a Nation (first Dail repressed whilst we were being asked to fight "In the defence of small Nations!")
Prevention of economic development of a Nation (ever ask yourself why there was no Industrial Revolution here? We were too busy shipping food over the Irish Sea whilst trying to avoid starvation and pay tithes).
OK, we were slaughtered, starved and supressed, but at least eventually our navies could get employment over there hey Ian?
Our relationship with our erstwhile masters is a complicated thing but denial of the past in the name of revisionism does a massive disservice to those that had to live it.