investment advice


Registered User
i am looking for any advice on what you guy's would think is the best course to take. i have in a large amount to put to work. i have no confidence in property. but i would like a good level of security. i would not mind having to monitor. but i would like to have a good level of access. i'm open to any and all suggestion's. thanking you in advance,

You really need to talk with an independant financial advisor,and i stress independant , not your local banks or any banks guy ! if its alot of cash you need to do a little work to secure it and invest it in a way that your happy with. theres lots of people who will be more than willing to gamble your money.
Duffsaw, there are many investment products out there. You must first establish what risk bracket you fit into. This will determine what type of investments you can look at. In general the return you get is directly proportional to the risk you take. You must endeavour to use a product which will at least produce returns in line with inflation or risk your money losing "real" value. This can be a complex area and I would advise that you seek independent advice as outlined above....avoid banks where possible, purely because that are not independent.{4A899C35-02F6-42CB-BB01-7B7E303003D4}
warren is advising the passive route also but one needs the discipline not to trade the etfs but rather buy and hold.
Be careful a financial advisor would not push you into an active fund as charges are higher and returns usually fail to match the index. They will push in order to get a commission. A discount broker to buy etfs would be the preferred approach unless you want to leverage your investment via geared products etc. In my view nobody is truely independent.
thanks for the replies guy's. what are 'etfs'? i seen a couple of references to this. also, have you got any advice about how i might build up my ability and knowledge on this subject, as i would feel much more comfortable if i knew more?

