Investing for Childs future



Our first child arrived safely into the world just over 2 months ago. We are absoletely delighted and we are just about getting used to this little boss in our lifes.

We want to be able to set up a fund for her where we can put so much in per month and build it up and also where we can have relative flexabilty on to provide for her say when is 21 or some time that we can determine. Obvisiously with such a long term view on investment we are quite open in what we decide.

I have been looking at the Quinn life"pride and joy" product where you buy into their freeway products. Looks good and seems fairly flexable etc. I have been trying to find info on other accounts from other providers this nature where you can take a long term view for a child but information is very hard to come by. Any suggestions.??????

Also I was wondering is it possible to deal in equities for a child oneself and bulid up a fund that way. I would like to set up an account that we control until she would have the sense to spend it wisely ( I have this image of 15 year old going on a shopping spree!!!!) I would like to be able to teach her investment fundamentals and let her see the account and stuff when she is older and slowly let her take control of it.

Any other suggestions for financial planning for a child would be very welcome.
There are several existing threads dealing with saving/investing for a child's future which you should be able to find by searching/browsing.

If you have existing debts then maybe you should consider reducing/clearing these first before worrying about investing/saving?