Invalidity pension or try for JSB


Registered User
I have been on illness benefit which has just finished after two years. Had post natal depression which turned into depression and anxiety. I applied for invalidity pension but was turned down. I just sent in a letter with one from my doc stating my condition. I hope this is not a perm illness and hope in the future I can work again. The only thing is the decision time is so long. We are seriously struggling with money at the moment and without any income coming in from me I don't know how we will cope. My husband earns 750 a wk but nearly every penny is paid out on bills.
My question is can I apply for job seekers or anything while this decision is being made or should I just cancel my appeal and try to apply for jsb on its own. I am attending a councellor for my condition but the stress of this keeps me awake most nights. Any help appreciated.