Interview over the phone


Registered User
has anyone been interviewed over the phone how does it differ from the normal interview will I be asked the usual questions it is being done by a reciutment agency and I persume if I get any further there will be a formal interview
Been interviewed over the phone twice, less nerve wracking than face to face. First off, make sure you are in a quiet room where you won't be disturbed. Then make sure you have a copy of the cv that the interviewer is working from (in case you've changed it since you sent it off). I woudn't mess with speaker phone, bluetooth or other peripherals in case they start to act up as it could put you off or look bad if the interview is for a job using such technology. If its on your mobile make sure that the battery is fully charged. Apart from that the same rules as a face to face interview apply except that you can't use visuals to get a point across or help the person tell if you're being funny (good tip for interviews, don't try to be funny).

The company I work for (Computer hardware/software) give technical interviews over the phone before inviting potential candidates for a face-to-face interview.

They do this to weed out the good from the bad, that’s technically speaking of course!

I have done quite a few of these (as a candidate) and they can actually be to your advantage if you are well prepared .. Get your resume/CV out and mark out the main points.. print out the job advert and any info that you have about the company.. Make a list of possible questions .. why are you moving jobs? past experience.. what do you know about company and so on? List a few points that you want to get across in the interview.. If you are not asked directly on these try and slot them in . Part of the reason that companies do this is to avoid dragging every candidate into the office and having a first round of interviews completed quickly and another reason would be that many companies are working remotely with people (particularly in the IT sector) so employees would need to be comfortable on the phone. Stay calm , grab a glass of water and be sure to allow a couple of pauses so that interviewer can continue with questions . Best of luck with the interview.
thanks for that i will get organized for it

American spelling. If appling for a job in Ireland make sure the spelling is correct. Might be a little late at this stage.
Some phone interviews are not relevant to your CV. I joined my present job 5 years ago and it was ' what would you do if you noticed someone stealing ' type of questions. They look at your character and the type of person you are…. It lasted over half an hour
Good catch Triona, a bit pedantic to think that what you type on a discussion board means that your cv is is totally americanised/ized. As if anyone notices ise/ize anymore anyway and if they did and considered it a bad point against you then you are probably better off not working there anyway.
I hope the interview goes well, I had one over the phone the other day and another tip would be that having made a list of quesitons and points I wanted to mention I found that being on the phone meant I could consult my notes which I wouldn't do in a face to face interview.
My son did an phone interview for a retail company he had worked with for 4 years and left in the previous 6 months to study with their consent and failed the phone interview. He was not the type of person they wanted to recruit so beware.
was it a type of assesment rather than an interview this seems to also what happens to people
I did get a couple of jobs in the UK out of phone interviews, never had one in Ireland. They are actually not a bad way once you get the hang of them.