internet not working after storm


Registered User
hi all - this is on behalf of a friend as shes no internet acsess

there was a lighting storm in her area earlier in the week and when trying to connect to the internet later that day, it wouldnt connect.

The computer wasnt connected to the internet at the time. She has a eircom wireless modem and a new ( 3 month old) laptop. She had used the internet earlier that day. The eircom phone is working fine.

Unfortunatly , she doesnt know anyone in the area that has a laptop she could test the connection on. She has reset the router to no avail.

any suggestions on what the problem - or solution might be would be appreciated

I know of a couple of people's who's eircom hasn't been working in the dublin south area over the last week.

They've been told to email in to check for an update :rolleyes:
thanks for that info, shes in wexford but its worth a shot.

typical eircom telling you to email !!!
Did she have a surge protector?
Chances are that the lighting hit the phone line and fried the modem.
Happened to a PC at home a few years ago, we thought ah sure lightning never strikes twice - it did 2 months later and fried another modem :(
We have a surge protector on ever since.

Yep. Same thing happened to us a few years back.

There should be a diagnostic check in "devices" which will advise whether the modem is working properly or not.
thanks all for the replies

she got it working eventually. Friend of a friend called around, did some stuff and now its working. She hasnt a clue what happened or how he fixed it but at least its running.
The BB was down here(Wexford area) for about 4 days,maybe her friend just got lucky because normal service has now been restored.
Just for other people diagnosing, I work for a company and install terminals for phone top up and credit cards, over the last month i've replaced loads of terminals due to lightning, this might help a little, it may be something simple like the adsl filter,the phone lead or the socket that it plugs into, examine the filter for any burnt residue... plug a normal phone into all the sockets to check for dial tone, now if all the sockets are live use that phone lead, unlpug all other phones and plug the router in direct with the good lead without filters to see if it sync's up. If it doesn't the router is damaged.