Interior Design.



I am interested in Interior design & would like to do a course. I don't intend on working in the area so I don't want to spend 1000euro on it! There seem to be other courses around 100euro but they only cover the basics, such as color choosing etc.

I am looking for a cheap course or book that would help me understand things like:
how 2 make a room feel bigger, brighter
why furniture should have legs
why book cases should not reach the roof
and other little hints that are not so obvious

I've looked on-line & in irish book shops but most books seem to deal with color, particular rooms, particular styles etc. Any suggestions?
Interior Design

This is my passion. I have quite a few books on interior design and I am sure if you check out you will find them. Maybe not everthing all in one book but it shouldn't take more than 2-4. Some of the different designers have some good ones. Happy looking.

Hi Christine - could you list some of the books you have found useful and not so useful?
Interior Design

I'll do some checking and get back to you. I belong to a book club and just recently tossed out the catalogue. Take me a bit to get back to you on this but I will soon.
Interior design

Also try - they list several places doing short courses, which may not cost a lot.
I know that the Portobello college does one, as does the Dun Laoighre collect of Art & Design.
Interior Design

Here is a list op some good books, hopefully you can check most of them at From this list you can see if you have a particular sytle you like and get more books about that, ie French Country (my personal favorite) English Country, Traditional, Cottage, Contemporary, etc. These are not listed in a special order:
Christopher Lowell's Seven Layers of Design
Martha Stewart How to Decorate
Carole Talbot Decorating for Good
Cheryl Kimbal The Everything Home Decorating Book
Lynette Jennings No compromise Decorating
Glenna J Morton The Impatient Decorator
Lowe's Complete Home Decorating
Nina Campbell's Decorating Notebook
House Beautiful Decorating Style
Susie Coelho's Everyday Styling
Hope these help I am sure you will find a couple, happy decorating.
Interior Desing

Sorry, Spell check missed my typo op = of
Re: Interior design

I would advise that you don't go to the Dublin Insitute of Design on Suffolk Street if you are looking for the information on how to fix up your own house. My feeling and discussing with other students was that it appeared to be more geared towards a career in it whereas we were all looking for information on how to apply the basics. I am not sure that any of us learnt anything new during the course and none of us were too happy by the end of it. If you have an interest in it, read lots on the area and often you can learn lots from this and also from the house makeover programmes. Therefore you can save yourself some money to actually make over the rooms.

Good luck,
