Home Insurance for house at risk of flooding?


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I am looking to purchase a house in an areas that is possibly at risk of flooding. How do I find out if this house is insurable? I called my (car) insurance company and they said over 200metres from a river and it's a normal quote, less than 200 it goes to their assessors. Google maps says it is circa 100m from the Dodder. The area flooded in October but the house didn't. People keep telling me you can't get a mortgage on a house that can't be insured but how do I find out before I offer? Is there a list of blacklisted areas? If it is insurable how much of a premium would I expect to pay for this issue?
Any advice welcome
I know the OPW have a site [broken link removed] but not sure how accurate it is. A lot of insurers (including Aviva) now have a geo rating system that tells them if a house is in a flood zone, so that might be a way of checking. I'd be v careful with some of the questions asked by most standard insurers. IF you are in a flood area, chances are you will be asked to disclose it and will have a problem getting cover. If all else fails most brokers, including ourselves, have access to house policies that exclude flood cover (But obviously you should have this cover if you can get it & the cost is bearable).

Thanks Jimbobp.

No online quotes give me a figure so I knew it must be the area. I called Aviva and gave the address and they said it is a flood zone so they won't insure it at all. Are you telling me it is possible to get insurance for the usuals (fire etc) and leave out the flooding? Or is it likely it is not insurable at all? I am not a cash buyer so the property needs to be insurable
Hi Sesed,
Yes, we have a policy available that excludes flood, accidental damage & subsidence. The excess is €500 (water damage excess is €1000) but it does cover most other perils (fire, theft, liability etc.). We haven't had any lenders have issues with this policy so far.

The floodmaps.ie website is based on historical flooid events, it isn't a statistical model. Just because the house didn't flood before doesn't mean it won't in the future. It could be that it is outside of the 100 year event (asd in there is a 1% chance of it flooding every year) but inside the 500 year event zone. Also, with development over time the drainage in the area could have changed dramatically so that a flood event will be far more severe.

Are there flood defences in place by the council, levees, diversions etc.? What is the elevation of the house using OS maps (they use Malin Head elevation datum) and the elevation of the river? Can the council provide mapping of the proposed flood area?

Personally, i would stay away from a house that is potentially in an area subjected to flood. If it happens to you, whether insured or not, there is a lot of damage - physical and emotional, and you could possibly result in being homeless for a period of time.