Home Insurance company won't pay for burglary


Registered User

We had a burglary the other night where the thieves managed to get in our back door without damaging the door.
THe insurance company will not pay out because the policy states that violence must be used before they will pay out.
Violence means that the door has to be damaged.

Any ideas on where I can go to check if I have a case to pursue here?

This is a common exclusion on a commerical policy, not so common on a household policy.Read your policy is see if you have a case to pursue.What is the precise wording on your policy? Does it say that theft must be accompanied by "forcible and violent entry" or "forcible or violent entry"? If it is the former, insurers may well be correct. However, if it is the latter wording, and you are not in breach of any other warranty or condition, then you should be covered for your loss.( excluding cash, unless you have all risk cover for cash).