Insect life in these times of pandemic


Registered User
An observation and questions for fellow Submersible Askers.

I seem to have fewer flies and other insects around the house and outdoors than in previous years. I hasten to add this is not the result of a sudden outbreak of excess scrubbing and housework around the place, the mutts would never tolerate that.

3 or 4 years ago I had to install old-fashioned fly-papers to capture some of the winged torments we were plagued with but not this summer. The Flea, small terrierist who attaches herself parasitically to larger critters of any species, has had fewer opportunities to launch herself into the air like an anti-aircraft missile to fight off squadrons of germ-bombers and Mason, The Flea's Rottweiler brother, dozes and drools away outdoors with nothing to distract him from his dreams of raw chicken and steak.

The front of the Tatty Toyota is clear of the blood and guts splatters of midges and other insects that fly at less than the speed-limit meaning the regular crud-removal tasks I undertook in previous years are unnecessary. Yes, mileage is way down but even on the few trips I've taken, I've felt lonely without the uninvited, passed-over passengers smeared all over.

How are ye fixed for flies out there or were these the uncounted, unmourned, unanticipated victims of some other new virus? Or is all the new scrubbing, isolation, cocooning doing away with or wearisome, winged scourges? If flies seem to be fewer, what about bees and others?
Moths galore here in Dublin 3 :(

And the feral cats I see prowling about haven't stopped scratching, so I assume that means they are still harbouring fleas.

The swifts (at least I think they are swifts, they make a screaming noise when swooping) are definitely taking some flying insects on the wing.

I remember thinking at the start of spring, when we had a burst of sunny weather and flies appeared, that there were still frosty nights to come.
That might have reduced numbers of some types though.
I've noticed far more small birds around. It was also very dry during late spring so that may have killed off some of the larva of the flies.