In receipt of PUP payment and with some possible trading income (divdends and share sales)


Registered User
Hi, I am currently in receipt of the 350euro Covid PUP payment. I worked in the hospitality sector and would have earned about 22k net were it not for the damn covid happening. i've been on the PUP payment twice this year. So for 2020 i've worked 5 and a half months and the remaining 6 and a half months will have been PUP.

But earlier this year I got into investing. I made some profit on sales of irish shares. I also recently made a small trading profit while in receipt of PUP. I also received a small dividend from an irish company. Profit on share sales is tax free up to the first 1270euro or so i understand. And i have not reached that limit.

My concern is that if i make any more trades (and i could make a nice profit right now) would it interfere with the PUP payment i receive? Would i end up having to pay back some of the PUP? I guess the gist of this post would be 'How much additional income can a person make while in receipt of social welfare ?'
First question:

Is PUP a social insurance payment, based on PRSI conts?

Or is PUP a social assistance payment, which is means-tested.

Based on a quick scan, getting PUP depends on not receiving earnings from employment.

Other incomes aren't mentioned, so you seem to be ok.