Impact on Tracker of renting PPR?


Registered User

We are considering moving out of our Dublin PPR to rent a larger house (down the country)
2 questions;
Will this have any impact on the tracker? (ICS = ECB + 0.90%)
Will this have any impact on the tracker if I rent a room in the Dublin house? (under R.A.R threshold)

We intend to move down the country and keep a room in the house for Dublin/business visit purposes

Many thanks,
No, it shouldn't have any effect on the tracker unless there's a clause in contract (there are in more recent contracts from banks, last 2/3 years)
Not sure if you'll come under the rent a room for taxation if not your PPR. Of course you'll get far less rent for a room than you would for the property...
ill this have any impact on the tracker if I rent a room in the Dublin house? (under R.A.R threshold)

If you're not living there, you can't avail of Rent a Room exemptions, and any tenancy must be registered with the RTB.