Impact of rented/current properties


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Hi, long term reader, first time poster.

My wife and I met two years ago. Both of us bought apartments in Dublin in 2007. We're looking to buy a family home in Dublin now. We haven't formally applied for a mortgage as of yet and are looking for some guidance given that branch staff may not be able to address some of our queries.

3.5 times our joint earnings (excluding bonuses) is €515k. We save €3.5k per month. We have no children but in an ideal world will have - wife is bigger salary if that will have an effect.

We have two properties (both bought as PPRs)
- The one we are living in is worth €180k to €250k - no mortgage
- The other is worth €120k to €140k - mortgage of €160k against it
- The second is rented out at €950/month and is fully compliant with PRTB and taxes etc.

Q1/ I'd prefer not to take the hit on the negative equity of the second and continue to rent it out. What effect would this have on what a bank would be willing to lend?

Q2/ Deposit wise we don't have anywhere near enough cash to get to 20%. In terms of bidding, we would be more attractive if not in a chain.

a/ Are banks willing to fund equity (at a low gearing level) on a property on the understanding that the property will be sold as soon as possible?

b/ There is scope for parental loans (again on the understanding property is sold as soon as possible) but no scope for gifts (we wouldn't want it). Is this something a bank can point to for the cash or will they only consider it if it is a No Strings attached gift.

I've completed the info from the key post. Thanks for your help.

Is this a single or joint application.
Type of Property. 2/3 bedroom house/apartment.
3/4 Bed house
Value of Property
Amount of Mortgage
Term of Mortgage.
30 years
Amount of savings and over how many years
€40k - 1 year
Is there a lump sum from any other source? If so give full details.
Age of Applicants.
35 and 33
Employment situation. Public sector/Private sector/Self employed/Contract.
Public sector - financial services
Semi-state - financial
How long are you in current position and are you permanent.
3 and 2 years - both permanent
Have you any children.
Have you any court orders or Judgements.
Have you any other loans and if so full details of amount/period/% rate and repayment amounts.
No personal loans
Cr. Card situation. Full disclosure.
Paid off each month.
Have any of your existing loan or credit card monthly repayments been paid late over the past twelve months, even if you made the repayment in full a few days later? If so, how many times in the past twelve months?
Any previous negative Cr. history by either applicant.
Are your savings and rent clearly visible and identified as such in your bank accounts each month
Have you gone over your overdraft limit in the past six months, even if only for a day or two?
If so, how many times in the past six months?
If you have been refused a mortgage please give exact reason of why and address why you think you should not have been.
Did you use a Mortgage broker or are you applying directly?.
Directly is preference
Any other relevant information.
What reason has the bank given to you for refusing you?
Have you checked your ICB record to make sure it's clean?*
Not yet
Which bank(s) have you applied to?
Before applying for a mortgage remember you will have a lot of other expenses associated with moving into a house such as furnishing it/repairs/mortgage protection policy/house insurance/property tax/new telecommunications charge/new water charge/possibility a management co charge as well as the usual utilities fees. Also stamp duty, legal fees for a solicitor, bank valuer's fee, engineer's report.
At the moment you have €330k worth of property with a mortgage of €160k.
You have €40k in cash

So your total assets are €210k
You can borrow €515k
So you can afford to pay €720k - I don't think you should though, so read on.

A few points
1) Your wife is the higher earner. What happens when you have children? Will you be able to continue repayments on a mortgage of €515k. It seems to me that you are borrowing way too much. Why do you want to buy a house for €700k. Why not buy a house for €500k? You will have a mortgage of €300k which will be far more manageable. After a few years of paying down that mortgage, then trade up again.

2) You have an investment property worth €130k with a mortgage of €160k.
Is it a tracker mortgage?
If so, who is the lender?
If you are allowed to do so, the best option would be to sell and move the mortgage to your new home.

3) "Q1/ I'd prefer not to take the hit on the negative equity of the second and continue to rent it out. "

This makes no financial sense at all. If you sell the property for €130k and buy another property for €130k you will be in the exact same position as you are now. So by selling this and investing the proceeds in your family home, you will be in the same position.

The only considerations should be whether it is a good investment and whether you can move a cheap tracker.

4) Why do you want to move at this stage?
You don't have kids yet. You are saving €3,500 a month plus whatever capital you are paying off your investment property. Continue this for as long as possible. If you have an SVR mortgage on the investment property pay it down with the savings. This will give you a net return of around 3% a year after tax.

5) Put the investment property on the market if it's not a cheap tracker.
You should sell both properties before you trade up. Start by selling the one you are not living in.

If you can port your tracker, then move back into the investment property and put your current home on the market.

Thank you for that.

1/ Main reason would be quality of house and area available at €700k vs. €500k. We had stress tested at interest rates at 6% and thought it was achievable based % of net pay etc. Wife has good maternity benefits but we should look at realistic levels of child cost - no doubt we are underestimating it.

2/ Investment Property mortgage is SVR.
3/ Only thoughts would be not wanting to erode current cash position given 20% requirement.

4/ Only in planning stage now. If kids are to come then it will be not too far in the future. Would prefer not to be buying home and having kid at same stage - only so much stress that could be borne.

5/ That makes sense but if we sell both does not lead us to short term renting or being in a chain? I was trying to explore ways of not being in a chain.