Illness during notice


Registered User
Hi there,

Here are the details of my situation:
  • I received notice of termination from my employer and was informed that I would be paid for the notice period.
  • During this notice period, I have fallen ill and have obtained a medical certificate from my doctor.
Given these circumstances, I would like to understand the following:
  1. During a paid notice period, if I fall ill and have a doctor's certificate, does this period of illness count as sick leave?
  2. If it is considered sick leave, what implications does this have on my entitlements, such as pay and the duration of the notice period?
I would appreciate any advice on whether my sick leave would legally alter the conditions or length of my notice period, and any other legal considerations I should be aware of in this scenario.

Thank you for your assistance.
Yes, if you are sick, the period of illness would count as sick leave.

Your notice period would remain the same, only that you would be sick for part of it.

Does your company have a sick pay policy? If not, you are entitled to statutory sick pay at a rate of 70% of your day's salary for up to 5 days, capped at €110 per day, assuming you have worked for your employer for 13 weeks or more.
Yes, if you are sick, the period of illness would count as sick leave.

Your notice period would remain the same, only that you would be sick for part of it.

Does your company have a sick pay policy? If not, you are entitled to statutory sick pay at a rate of 70% of your day's salary for up to 5 days, capped at €110 per day, assuming you have worked for your employer for 13 weeks or more.
Your certificate would also be a requirement
I would appreciate any advice on whether my sick leave would legally alter the conditions or length of my notice period, and any other legal considerations I should be aware of in this scenario.
It just means that instead of being at work during your notice period, you are on sick leave instead. Your termination date is unaffected.