ICS Skills - CTP Development Programme


Registered User
Wondering if anyone has completed this or the CTP Professional Programme. Opinions Good, bad or indifferent.
Hi There I did this course last year. It was a good course. Quite a lot of work involved each week. Had to do alot of extra work in the evenings as was working full time. The one negative I found was that although the course teaches you how to teach IT - you really need to know your stuff as it does not cover material. Each week we had to do a presentation on front of the group and this was video recorded. Our group was quite small (four of us) and the presentations did get easier as time went on. Our tutor was excellent and at the end of the course we had a large folder complete (TER) Training Evidence Record. Any other questions just ask.

I haven't done the course. I did a full time JEB IT Trainer course, what it offers, that the ICS course doesn't offer is - the chance to teach 'real' students rather than your own group of fellow trainers, and a chance to learn tips on ECDL material from fellow students. We learned as much from each from each other - also the course was over an academic year, so there was time to 'digest' the material. As the previous poster said - you will need to know your stuff inside out before you start.

The ICS course sounds like a good course if you are working full time and are very familiar with the ECDL syllabus.

Good luck with it.