I don't want any resignations from Government, etc.


Registered User
On behalf of myself and I imagine at least a few others I am asking for a halt to this silly business of everyone resigning from public life over minor stuff.
Hi Richie

Most of us would agree with you.

They should not resign over minor stuff.

But someone who flouts the guidelines of his own government on such an important issue in such a public way - and in such a stupid way - has to go.

I don't think that Seán O'Rourke should be banished for one stupid mistake though.

I think GolfGate is as serious as it gets for the people concerned and for the citizens of the State. Individually and collectively they ignored all the rules, guidelines, directives and laws in relation to protecting the population from the pandemic. Every one of them from the hotel owner / operator, past and present members of the houses of the Oireachtas, judges, medics, civil & public servants and private individuals must be punished to the fullest extent possible. I don't think Donie Cassidy resigning as president of the golf society is a punishment - fine him to the max allowed under the law after a successful prosecution, for example. It won't dent his pocket money from his pensions but it'd put down a marker.

The simple basic plea to all people in the State was to avoid unnecessary travel. Was attending a social event in the West of Ireland a necessary journey for all 80+ people who attended? Were those allocated State cars and drivers conveyed to and from the event in their State cars accompanied by their drivers? If they were, why? Did they wear the appropriate PPE if they were? Are any of the other State employees claiming expenses for this vitally important piece of State business?

Why are so many people being asked to account for their movements? As State employees, attending an event organised under the aegis of the houses of the Oireachtas (please refer to the golf society logo as reproduced in the Cork Examiner etc), why were they not obliged to have the HSE contact tracker app installed on their State-funded mobile phones? Why wasn't Philo signing in and out of the various venues he attended for the duration of his illegal 3-week Odessey from virus-ridden Belgium and around the East, South, Midlands and West of this country? All of this mind you in the middle of what he describes as very important TransAtlantic trade negotiations which continued while he was in Galway!!! Encrypted phones and laptops in use?

Was the bould Philo using an EU company car or a hire-car for his Odessey? Download the GPS data it recorded while he was using it - no GDPR breaches there if the car wasn't his. The same applies to him and anyone using a State or employer-supplied phone or car - grab the GPS data (hint - these data aren't always just stored on the devices, lots of them "phone home", and not just the Chinese models).

The judge has to go. What in God's name was he doing there? I know as a former AG (attorney general that is, not amateur golfer) he was probably a society member in good standing, but does he not see the impropriety of getting down and dirty with the "lads" a few weeks into the new job? That alone is reason for him to be banished to outer darkness. Layer the COVID-19 transgressions on top and "there go the judge" to coin a phrase. Why don't judges at all levels have to work a probationary period? I know in their arrogance they claim infallibility in matters of law, yet still manage to disagree from time-to-time resulting in majority decisions.

They have demonstrated that they us hold us the citizens of this country in contempt and operate to a different set of rules, from a rule-book we'll never get to see. I freely admit I am not now, nor was I ever a fan of Leo's or his party. He must be muttering the immortal words through gritted teeth, "That's another fine mess ye've got me into." Bye bye to Blessed Martin and to Eamonn the Eejit, welcome Teneo and Portroo, the new political capital of Ireland.

As for forgiving O'Rourke, and making an exception of him, getting fired from new work by the Government's PR agency / fan-boys, shows just how peed off Leo is.
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I work for a multi-national. Throughout Covid we have had 3 core rules
  • Don't go into the office unless it is unavoidable and where you do, we roster to have the absolute minimum on any of our site
  • Don't travel unless it is business critical and if you must, it requires VP sign off.
  • No face to face meetings. No exception.

I don't understand how some of these people in the "higher echelons" think they can go swanning around the country when it suits them. Dara Callery clearly showed that Micheal Martin made the right decision on Day 1 in not giving him a ministerial job. I'm sure MM now regrets bowing to political pressure after Cowangate. I expect my political leaders to not only obey the rules but to lead by example and sadly, FF, FG, some independents, TD's, judges, Senators and councilers have all shown to be lacking in leadership in recent months. And don't get me started on the Shinners heading off to funerals.!!
Was the bould Philo using an EU company car or a hire-car for his Odessey? Download the GPS data it recorded while he was using it - no GDPR breaches there if the car wasn't his.
Whoa! That is absolutely NOT the case. GDPR obligations don't just vanish because the data controller owns the means of collection.
I work for a multi-national. Throughout Covid we have had 3 core rules
  • Don't go into the office unless it is unavoidable and where you do, we roster to have the absolute minimum on any of our site
  • Don't travel unless it is business critical and if you must, it requires VP sign off.
  • No face to face meetings. No exception.

I'm not disputing that the whole golf gate episode was appalling lack of judgement in the round, but I do consider there are some mitigating factors.

- There had been an unwinding of some the restrictions initially imposed in March, including the re-opening of hotels and lifting of restrictions on travel (notwithstanding the re-introduction of travel restrictions in three counties).

- There is, i believe, a natural conflict for a lot of people in wanting to adhere to the regulations but simultaneously wanting life to get back to normal. The first lockdown phase was only for 2/3weeks (?), we are now 5 months, and counting, into this.