"I am moving to the Isle of Man to avoid CGT on my crypto gains"

Coinbase reached #1 last year.

Coinbase was for a period the number one app in the US.

You are now straw-manning with regard to the main point which relates to tax evasion.
And i am aware, as you probably knew already

You really should head over to boards.ie and have a look at the few threads there about cryptos and tax... my impression of the tax compliance attitude of people dabbling in cryptos is largely informed by what I've read there.

If you read the comments there you'll discover that an awful lot of people appear not to be aware, or are intending to choose not to be aware, of what constitutes a disposal of a crypto asset resulting in a CGT event.
You really should head over to boards.ie

I will take your word on that, but we are not all the same. I always pay all my taxes and I don't see any reason why I shouldn't pay CGT whether on stock or crypto profits.