


just to broaden the scope of discussions on aam. Can anyone tell me if I prune a hydrangea green shadow (p). I purchased it last year in Athlantic homecare last Sept, its one of newer varities but instructions are useless. Books I have read state that some hydrangeas do require prunning, others dont. It has plenty of green shoots at present but last years stems look to me like the should be removed but I would appreciate advice. Nb. waste of time asking in Athlantic, if its not on the label..........
Do these care tips help:

"Care tips

Use cut flower food and clean water
Ideal temperature 5 - 8°C
Keep out of the sun
Slant cut stems
Remove woody ends of stems"

taken from

P.S. Would Leatherxxxx not know ;)
Hi I have the Mophead type which still have the old blooms from last summer. The usual advise for these plants is to leave the old bloom, withered and all as it is, in place until the severe frosts are gone. (It protects the tender tips). Once the milder weather is in sight, snip it off and that lets the new shoots take off.
Thanks: Suellen, I think this refers to the 'cut' flowers ie for vases etc. Coininban 1's answer is of what I am looking for. the old mop heads look like they could come off but maybe the will fall off anyway. I will now wait a few more weeks before doing a Henry V111 on them.There are plenty of 'old' hydrangea plants around town ( pink or blue) but its odd how despite noticing them in bloom I can't recall if they have received the snip job or not. Beauty about roses is all you have to do is watch what the councils do with their parks and copy. unfortunately I cannot recall seeing Hydrangea plants in the locals parks, and not this variety anyway. Thanks for help.