HSE related body: not paying pension contribs: does PS P levy appply & backdated Q?


Registered User
Hi everyone,

i was having a chat with my mother who works in a HSE related body. She informed me that when she started working there about fourteen years ago she didnt have to pay into a pension because she was temporary staff and she chose not to.

About eight to ten years ago she became permanent but somehow slipped through the net and hasn't ever paid any pension contributions.

My question is, with the new government pension levy, will she definately have to pay that? and may they back date her pension contributions to when she started being permanent?

She is afraid to ring her HR dept. Thanks if anyone can help.
Re: HSE related body: not paying pension contribs: does PS P levy appply & backdated

I work with agencies and am currently progessing these deductions commencing March 1st. Unfortunately it would seem that even if you have not entered into a public service pension you will still have to pay the levy.

It would have been much better to call it a wage cut, that would at least have been honest.

Some staff I know pay full PRSI so they are paying towards their state pension already so to speak and they will now have to pay this pension levy also but not get any benefit from this. Contract staff are in a similar situation
Re: HSE related body: not paying pension contribs: does PS P levy appply & backdated

I was in a kind of similar position.

I've been in a temporary public sector position for approx 10 years. Temporary employees were not allowed to have a pension, therefore I was not alowed to contribute.

However the rules for this changed maybe three or four years ago - all employees in the area I work in (whether temporary or permanent) contribute to a pension - so now I am obliged to pay into a pension and I also had to pay back the years of service for which I was not allowed to contribute.

I'm not sure if this is of any help, but this may indicate that she would also be obliged to pay into the pension for temporary service, but I'm no expert.