HSE Contract


Registered User
My girlfriend is hoping to start a new position with the HSE in the coming months. She recently received her contract, and it was a confusing to say the least.

First of all, the contract itself was not headed as being a contract of any kind, instead it merely had the words "Health Service Executive" printed in large letters of the first of the conditions. Only once in the entire set of conditions was the word "contract" mentioned.

Furthermore even though every interview, and all references to the position up the arrival of the contract were regarding a Permanent WTE (whole time equivalent) position, the "contract" neither mentioned the word "permanent" nor made any reference to "WTE".

She's now nervous about taking the position, as she feels the whole thing is open to interpretation. Any advise? I'm happy to post the redacted contract (assuming the moderators are ok with this)
If there is a union that usually operates in this sector (e.g. INMO or whoever), they might be able to advice on usual practice.
The word temporary, permanent are no longer used. What is used, is specific purpose, fixed purpose/term or indefinite duration. If it stated indefinite duration, that means permanent.

Under the section hours of work, it will have the standard hours for your grade is x number. Your contracted hours are x number. If these are the same it a full time assignment.