How to verify a funeral

Hi Ninsaga - I answered your pm. Thanks for taking the time to send that on.

Tweety, Thanks for the positive comments.

We really appreciate all feedback, good and bad, for the site.

Again - it would really help us if you simply asked your local funeral director to enter his death notices. It is totally free - and this is in stark contrast to the national papers who charge hundreds of euro to enter a notice.
Excellent idea from Smashbox... If the 'bereavement' is genuine, she'll be delighted with her employer's thoughtful gesture of sending a card... I know that when my mum is in hospital, the company I work for sending her flowers is very much appreciated!...

Jemmi... Thank you very much for your site... I have found it very useful... I'm caring for my mum who's very ill, and during her last stay in hospital, I spent a few hours on your site making some plans for when the inevitable happens... I have to say, it made a dreadful task a whole lot easier!... Thanks again...
I'd tread carefully. If it is genuine then any negative response by you would be taken very negatively indeed.
Sorry, I don't mean to hi-jack this thread, but I did want to express my gratitude to those of you who took the time to note your support for the site.

As I have said previously, we really appreciate it.