How to stop bloody telcos cold calling?


Registered User
Any ideas how to stop telephone companies cold calling to tell you how they can save €€€€€s on your phone bill by switching to them? The vast majority of calls that we receive these days are cold calls such as this (in spite of the fact that we only switched to UTV a few months ago) and it's really pissing us off. We are getting at least a couple almost every day and have taken to not answering the phone unless the number is a known good one as a result. :mad

Funny. I got one Wednesday and Thursday from 2 different companies. Both numbers withheld..
Re: telcos

Can you treat them as nuisance calls and get the telco to track them? I would have thought that ComReg would have something in place to handle such things.

But then, we're talking about ComReg.
Re: telcos


Me too!! I have got to the stage when I hear "can I speak to the bill payer" I say "no" and hang up

Re: telcos

Is there an Irish equivalent of :

Interesting to read some of the things that BT provide on the mainland :D for blocking calls :

[broken link removed]
Re: telcos

Tell the telesales rep you're busy but, if they give you their private home phone number, you'll promise to ring them back when you're free.

Tell them you've just sold your house and you're moving within the week. Obviously, you don't know your new phone number. (It does work)

Screen your calls with Caller ID and leave a message, 'I'm not here or you're hiding your identity from me. Phone me on my mobile phone.'
Re: telcos

Clubman - Are you ex-directory? We never get these calls at home.

You could try the old 'Hold on there & I'll be with you in a minute' tactic & see how long they hold on for.

Could be worse, mind you....
abuse them!

Well eircom used to ring me quite often until one night they caught me at a bad time and I abused them very angrily and I have never heard from them again.

My mother in law is too nice / niave to say "f**k off" and she tells them she will think about it etc. and they plague her.

Verbal abuse seems to work best IMO.
Re: abuse them!

A whistle might do the trick! or ask them for free calls for a whole year and then you'll think about

Can't you notify Eircom that you want your name off the list, but the downside is that you have to be ex-directory as a consequence??
Re: ..

lads i work in sales and a lot of it involves talking to people on teh phone

do none of you work in jobs where you have to communicate with others?

it's hard calling people up cold, be nice!
Re: col-calls

Tell the telesales rep you're busy but, if they give you their private home phone number, you'll promise to ring them back when you're free.

Copyright Jerry Seinfeld.

JERRY: Oh, gee, I can't talk right now. Why don't you give me your home number and I'll call you later.

TEL: Uh, I'm sorry we're not allowed to do that.

JERRY: Oh, I guess you don't want people calling you at home.

TEL: No.

JERRY: Well now you know how I feel.
Re: col-calls

lads i work in sales and a lot of it involves talking to people on teh phone

do none of you work in jobs where you have to communicate with others?

it's hard calling people up cold, be nice!

Give me a break, a lot of these guys are shady, I know of a number of people who have had their telecoms switched without their consent. They try & sell to you and then let on you agreed, one outfit say they recorded the conversation but when pressed, say they cant find the recording. These kind of calls are intrusive and should be banned....imho.
Re: cold-calls

to be honest, (being with Eircom) I WOULD be interested in a cheaper deal; but I haven't the time or patience to listen to the extraordinarily complicated phone billing schemes over the phone. I ask them all to send me a brochure. "We haven't got a brochure, would you like to look at the website" No, I wouldn't - again by the time you look at all the websites you've devoted HOURS to the exercise. One guy told me they can offer cheap calls by not spending money on expensive brochures! Ingenious, I thought, but no cigar.
The complexity of the schemes makes it too difficult to sort them out and decide which is best- and how can you do that on the phone?!
(Did sales incl cold-calling in past - they can take it; they have to or they'll leave if they start taking it personally)
smart callers

Had a cold call from Smart today.
Was told I was contacted because my number was randomly generated.
If only my number would come up on the Lottery as much as it comes up through "random generation" for cold call purposes.
I'd be a blooming millionaire by now.
Smart must be very smart indeed. I bitched about them last evening on this thread, and was rewarded by a call from them last night. I asked them to take me off their call list (as I had done with Eircom), but was told that they could not even see my number, let alone take me off the list. I feel sorry for some of the operators, the lass last night told me she was part time puttintg herself thru college (her story). Indeed, these telcos are smart, their operators and victims are in a no win situation, and I cant believe that this is legal.
blue spud are you a priest by any chance? or perhaps a politician?

because you seem to be completely removed from reality, these people are tryoing to save you money on a phone bill
Eircom keep calling us as we left them 15 months ago. Everybody in the house is under instructions to say "no I am not the bill payer, I am just the baby sitter and I dont know when the bill payer will be back as he is either at the bookies or at the pub and when he comes back he will not be in a good mood".
It dosn't matter ... they still call back at least twice a week and when I happen to answer (me the bill payer) I simply repeat the stock answer and hang up.

"Nil illigitimus carborundum"
Gar123, methinks you assume too much. I have long parted company with Eircom...., I am happily doing business with UTV. Secondly, these people are trying to make money..... To remove any assumtions, it is not the concept of competition I object to, it is the modus operendi. I just noted you had a second leap to the defence of this annoying practice. Do YOU get these calls on a regular basis? If not, then your comments are pretty stupid.

Now theres a great idea! When they ring practice your Irish (Donegal dialect) or latin (vulgaris is best) or perhaps cant (the language/dialect of the travelling community) or better still make up your own language.
