Key Post How to pay your 2014 Local Property Tax

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Brendan Burgess


Liability date:
1 November 2013 - whoever owns the property on this date, pays the tax for 2014.

Revenue's Summary of payment options
Revenue's Summary of Key Dates

Single Debit Authority
If you set this up for 2013, you will have to set it up again for 2014. It is not a direct debit. The Revenue cannot use the 2013 autority to take the 2014 tax.

You must set it up online by 28th November ( 7th November by paper)
It will be taken from your bank account on 21 March 2014

Direct Debit
No additional charges - taken out on the 15th of every month

If you paid this way in 2013, it will continue automatically in 2014, unless you change it.

You don't need to do anything. If you do wish to change it, you must do so by 28th November online (7th November by paper)

Debit Card
No additional charge

It will be charged to your debit card immediately you submit the return.

You must set it up online by 28th November ( 7th November by paper)

Credit Card
You will be charged 1.49%.

It will be charged to your credit card immediately you submit the return.

You must set it up online by 28th November ( 7th November by paper)

Payment Service Providers (An Post/Omnivend/Payzone)

You can pay weekly or monthly.

Revenue does not charge extra, but
The Provider charges around €1 to €2 per payment

You must set it up online by 28th November ( 7th November by paper)

Salary deductions / Deductions from Social Welfare

No extra charge

If you paid this way in 2013, it will continue this way in 2014

You don't need to do anything. If you do wish to change it, you must do so by 28th November online (7th November by paper)
Check the Revenue Guide to Property Tax if your question is not answered here

My property has increased in value since last year. Do I need to pay more?
No, the value was set for the years 2013, 2014 and 2015, 2016

I think I underestimated/overestimaed the value of my property last year?

I have bought a house since 1 May 2013?

I paid the LPT in 2013, but now I think I should qualify for a deferral?
Great post thanks Brendan, I wouldn't have realised the single debit authority option and the fact that it isn't taken until march, that's good to know as will help the budget!
Great post thanks Brendan, I wouldn't have realised the single debit authority option and the fact that it isn't taken until march, that's good to know as will help the budget!

Strange that, since it's on the same page on the Revenue website as the 1st January date, 2 lines below it in fact.
Hi mandlebrot

To be fair, I missed it as well. I had written the thread and was rereading the Revenue stuff before I saw it. There is so much information on the Revenue website that it is easy to miss some of the Key Stuff.

I found the Revenue website very poorly laid out. I was clicking back and forward to find the information I needed. I would make one assumption , only to find it was wrong.

The Revenue usually writes much better than this.

I think my own summary is much clearer.
oh mandelbrot put a sock in it, that's your third dig at me on these two threads. I have a lot of far more serious stuff going on in my life right now, so I somehow missed all this, and am grateful to Brendan and the site for the heads up on it, no need for you to butt in when I am just saying thanks
So, from what I read on the Revenue website, there isn't going to be as much as an e-mail reminder for those of us who paid online this year. Does that mean we have to remember to pay every year from now on with no billing or reminder mechanism whatsoever? You could argue that there was enough media attention this year that you might have twigged that you had to do something, but c'mon -- on an ongoing basis surely this is a bit primitive!
I found the Revenue website very poorly laid out. I was clicking back and forward to find the information I needed. I would make one assumption , only to find it was wrong.


I read one of your links, and then thought you'd got it wrong, it mentioned at the beginning key dates for 2013, but didn't mention that for 2014 you need to do something this November until much later down the page. Very complicated and confusing.

Maybe the main newspapers will mention it.
Anyone who has not set up a direct debit or a deduction from salary/ welfare - should be getting a letter from Revenue asking them to confirm the 2014 payment method .
See Here http://www.*****************.com/property-tax-2014-payment-dates.html

Well that website is wrong

"you could end up having to pay the 2014 LPT in full as early as November 27th 2013"

It also says around 92% of us should be getting letters in Sept/Oct, it's now the 10th Oct and I've received no letter, nor has anyone on AAM mentioned it and the next key date will be 7th Nov for some people.

I don't blame the website for getting it wrong, we all make mistakes and this whole thing is unncessarily complicated.
I was on my ROS just a few minutes ago to set up my LPT SDA for 2014. There is no 2014 liability there yet for me. I suppose it will be updated soon.
The Nov 27th date is correct if you plan to pay by debit card or credit card. About 53% paid that way last year.

Yes you're correct and I was incorrect earlier. Thats a lot of people paying by card. I wonder what percentage pay by credit card alone. Very expensive if you're not paying the credit card bill every month.

There sure are a heck of a lot of dates with this tax. NPPR or the other one were never like this.
Guys, forgive me - just seeing this now. I suspect most of the country might have missed this also. Are we being told to pay the property tax in November for 2014 if we want to pay in one go?
2014 SDA payment

On hold for a serious long time with Revenue LPT wrt paying via a SDA. There is currently no option online to instruct Revenue how you want payment to be taken for 2014.

Apparently (or more like guessing!!), Once they send out the 2014 letter, it *should* become an option online.

As regard to important dates, none of the staff gave the correct date for when the SDA would be paid, I got the dates of 21/1/14 or 27/2/14!!!

Hope the letter gets to me before the 27th Nov. :)

On hold for a serious long time with Revenue LPT wrt paying via a SDA. There is currently no option online to instruct Revenue how you want payment to be taken for 2014.

Apparently (or more like guessing!!), Once they send out the 2014 letter, it *should* become an option online.

As regard to important dates, none of the staff gave the correct date for when the SDA would be paid, I got the dates of 21/1/14 or 27/2/14!!!

Hope the letter gets to me before the 27th Nov. :)


Seems to be sorted now - I've just done mine online. Still not happy that the payment dates have been moved back 6 months from this year. It seems quite disingenuous and it's things like this that makes people realise that this government are no more trustworthy than the last lot....
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