How to oil PVC door hinges


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I have a PVC front door which has started making extremely loud cracking noises when swung on its hinges. It's much worse in hot weather than cold.

The problem is I can't find anywhere to oil the hinges. They are either enclosed in PVC themselves or heavily painted, can't tell which. There is no space between the hinge sections to squeeze any oil and no obvious holes dedicated to the purpose. Would appreciate any advice.
My suggestion would be spray WD40 or 3 in one oil etc all over the hinges and some should get into the hinges. Keep swinging the door while doing it.
That's just my suggestion, not a professional opinion ;)
They actually look too sealed to me for that to work, but I'll give it a shot and I'll also try to get some pics.
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This website says not to use WD40:(

'It is best to use spray oil with an application tube (not WD40, as this is not a good lubricant, GT85 or 3 in 1 is better)'

might help.
According to this vid in the Google results, the pins need to be tapped out of the hinges from below, and cleaned and oiled. That had occurred to me but seemed a bit extreme. You can probably guess I'm not much of a handyman. :D
go to a hardware shop and ask for lock lubricant. it is a graphite powder and works well with all sort of metal joints.