How to get the money back?


Registered User
If funds are lodged in error to an individual's personal bank account by electronic transfer and if the person who has received these funds refuses to return the erroneous payments - can the money be retrieved in any way other than involving a solicitor and taking the recipient to court?

I presume at this stage that the money has left the payer's account & gone into the other person's account?
Can you give any details - how was the money inadvertently lodged to the wrong account? Has contact been made with this person & did they acknowledge that the money had been lodged? Do you have a record from the bank showing where the money went?

Sorry for all the questions.
Also who made the transaction ? Was it a direct debit into the wrong account ? or did you lodge the money to the wrong account number over the counter and didn't realise till after ?
Hi all, it was a standing order that wasn't cancelled, the recipient has acknowledged receipt and has apparently moved the funds from the account.

The person who paid doesn't want to go into too much detail - it was his mistake for not cancelling the standing order - he doesn't want to be heavy handed, but has asked for the funds to be transferred back and the response was 'sue me'.

He'll have to ask his solicitor for advice, but was just wondering if any AAM'ers had a similar experience or anyone in banking had any ideas.

I spoke to a banker friend of mine and her opinion was that there's nothing a bank can do and the gentleman in question will have to seek legal advice. What sort of standing order arrangement was it? Just that if it was for rent, for example, would there be a lease that showed that the contract was due to end on x date, or cancellation of a gym membership?