How to find out who owns a property?


Registered User
A disused building on a plot of land. How do I find out who owns it?
also if it is owned by a local council can I approach if interested in purchasing? What are th rules i this case?
Go to the land regsitry and see who owns the land, usually if its council owned and goes up for sale it's a closed bid auction
ok thanks
does that mean I would have to wait until it goes up for sale?can an individual approach the council if interested?what is a closed bid auction?
to find ownership the land registry will only be able to tell you if it is land registry title, also they will need a map of the area to search for you, if they cannot ascertain the ownership you will have to check with Law Searchers and copy them the map and they will do a search and it may be registry of deeds title. is the property currently for sale? if it is not then you could approach the property section of the council but buying anything from the council is drawn out, they will need to get approval before a monthly council meeting to the sale and the price. how is it you think it is owned by the council?
no its not currently for sale. its an old school that is rundown so I just presumed it would be council owned. What are the other options for this type of property?
Schools can often be owned by the Dept of Ed or else by some religous order, if it's disused it may already have changed hands, really the ownship search has to be done first to ascertain the owner before you can do anything more, generally the name & a notice address of the owner will be detailed.
This type of question has come up quite a lot on AAM and you may find some help in previous threads.